Kill the killer

—Jimmy, don't worry, we all see that Dinah is in love with you.—said Celine.

What was not a lie, anyone could see that they both felt for each other.

—And if not? What if she rejects me?

It had been months since the man had been thinking of a romantic way to tell Dinah, about how he loved her, they had both worked together for years, but only now, he had time to live with her all the time, and for that reason, he realized that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

Jimmy, Celine and Madeleine arrived a while later , they were arguing about trivial things, until Celine saw a pool of blood going under the door.

—Damn it, Dinah must have killed the girl!—She exclaimed in surprise.

—And now? We're going to be without the powers and our plan went downhill.—Madeleine said without much concern.

—I couldn't take it anymore, let's continue with what we have, but at least get rid of that annoying girl.—Jimmy said with a bored expression.

The two women just agreed, in their concept, the girl was extremely disrespectful of the gift she had, and that made them increasingly irritable.

—Let's look for Dinah.—Madeleine said, and they parted.

Even if they called her, the woman did not answer, until Jimmy decided to go to the door where the blood was, maybe she was still there.

When he opened the door, the shock was so great that he took a few steps back, his eyes were wide, and his mouth was open.

After a few seconds trying to process what he was seeing, he hurried to the woman but it was too late, she was no longer breathing.

—Celine! Madeleine, come here, quick!—He said shakily.

When the two women arrived, the surprise was tremendous, she was dead. Not Alyra, but Dinah, her body was lying lifeless, pale, and her eyes still open, which Jimmy was keen to close.

The man's heart was broken, after all, today was the day when after so long, he would finally confess his love for her, and who knows, they would both build a family together.

Beside Madeleine, one of the spirits whispered with an evil smile.

—It was her, Alyra killed her, without a hint of pity…

Without even hesitating, Madeleine said what she had heard.

—It was Alyra.—The woman cleared her throat—I mean, she was the one who was with Dinah, it must have been her.

Still caressing the woman's hair, Jimmy wiped away tears with pain, looked at the women, and said:

—We will go after her, we will take every last drop of power that runs through this girl's veins, after that, I will kill her, with my own hands, in the name of Dinah.

Celine and Madeleine looked at each other with complicity, and agreed with the man.

—I'm going to get our things, and we're leaving now.—Celine said.

—I will take Dinah's body, and I will bury it in the forest.—he said, standing up with the woman in his arms, and leaving from there.

While Jimmy was gone, Celine and Madeleine talked about what to do.

—We will say that her name is Jenny, will be by that name that we will look for her.—Madeleine warned.

—Why don't we say the girl's real name?

—If they discover all the mysteries behind this girl, the risk of discovering her is too much.—she commented.—One day her current guardian told me that she was found by soldiers of the kingdom, if they find out that she lied her name, they will suspect her, arrest her in the castle and then they will execute her.—Madeleine said.

—And this is not good? We'll get rid of her.—Celine concluded.

—We still have a chance to get her power, if we don't take advantage of this now, we don't know when and where to find someone like her.—she said convinced.—And besides, that would take Jimmy's pleasure in killing her, he need that.

Decided on what to do, they started to tell the others in the village, about the girl, saying that she had mysteriously disappeared and that she needed to be found urgently.

They took sometime to come up with a reasonable plan. The plan was basically to say that she was not well mentally, she was undergoing intensive training that could help her control herself, so even those who lived in the kingdom would return the girl to them, and she would have no choice but to return with them.

When everything was resolved they would kill her and claim that she killed herself in one of her nervous breakdowns.

While they were prepared to leave, Alyra had walked quickly through the forest, and arrived on a road, saw a vehicle approaching, and then tried to stop it.

It was a truck, there were several people in it, all smiling and wearing similar clothes.

—Hello, young lady, do you need help?—an elderly woman asked.

—Yes, madam, I need to go to another district.

—And what would be?

—Anyone, I just want to get out of here.— she said and smiled awkwardly.

—In this case, we'll go through Illumin 5, 7 and 3, we can drop you off at one of them.—the elderly woman said, giving space at the back of the truck.

—Grandma, we can't let a complete stranger go with us!—A man said, he looked about 30.

—Shut up, Jonathan.—she said and made the man shut up, with an embarrassed face.

In total there were 5 people in the back, going with some bags, and 2 people in the front, one of them driving.

Alyra carried just her backpack with few clothes, food and the money, which Mrs Hugs gave her every time she came …

"—Here, dear, keep it. — Mrs Hugs handed the girl an envelope.

When Alyra opened it, she saw that there were some shiny stones inside, and she was surprised.

—I can't accept it, madam.— she said, trying to return it.

The woman looked at her seriously and said.

—Alyra, I've lived in other people's homes, I know how much you hate being here, but you need to take it a little longer. If it gets unbearable, and I can't help you, I know you can turn around, so accept it. Besides, you helped me a lot during the time you stayed at my house, so look at it as a salary.

Alyra was silent for a while, but she agreed.

During all of her visits, Mrs Hugs took the girl an amount of money, and told her what to do if she needed to escape, it was as if the woman knew what was going to happen. "

In fact, that was what motivated the girl to run away, she remembered every night about the good times she had spent with the woman and everything she had taught the girl.

—You must be remembering someone very special.— the elderly woman asked said.

—What?— Alyra asked, confused.

—You are so focused, you must be remembering someone special, Alyra.—The elderly woman asked smiled.

Completely paralyzed, the girl looked at her even more confused, and a little worried.

—How do you know my name?