The sensation of falling was terrible, the girl's heart was beating so hard that she suspected that even the castle's residents were listening to it.
Despite the desire to scream, the girl felt paralysed, and all she did was close her eyes tightly, so hard that it hurt.
Suddenly, the sensation of falling stopped, and the wind that was hitting aggressively against her face was also not present, quickly the girl opened her eyes, wondering if she had died or something like that.
Soon, she felt her body move down slowly, when she looked to the side, saw that the boy who had just thrown her out of a window, had his hand extended towards her, slowly guiding Alyra's body towards the grass soft.
When the girl finally felt her body on the floor, she was relieved and took a deep breath.
—Come on, soon they'll catch up with us.—he said, causing her to get up quickly.
Her heart was still beating rapidly, but this time it was for fear of being caught, again.