Man vs Pokemon

Rimuru vs level 35 Pangoro


The Pangoro starts laughing at Rimuru, thinking that the trainer must've been really desperate, to send out a weak-looking slime.

"HAHAHHAHA, I will crush you, tiny slime" the Pangoro


Rimuru unleashes a powerful ice beam towards the Pangoro. Even though the Pangoro thought Rimuru was weak, he still didn't leave his guard down, so as a result, the pangoro blocks the ice beam with his arm, freezing it. The Pangoro growls and dashes towards Rimuru, but Rimuru unleashes a powerful dragon's breath which stops the Pangoro, in its tracks. The ice on the Pangoro's arm is replaced with scorch marks. Pangoro gets really pissed and slashes towards Rimuru, and a big slash of wind manages to hit Rimuru. Rimuru gets thrown back but isn't hurt too bad as its body is quite resistant to physical moves. The Pangoro snarls, and dashes towards Rimuru as he's still recuperating. The Pangoro uses low sweep which throws Rimuru backwards.

Even though Rimuru is quite resistant to physical attacks, strong attacks like that low sweep can still do a lot of damage. Now Rimuru is quite hurt but still has determination in his eyes. Rimuru uses a powerful dragon pulse towards Pangoro, Pangoro dodges but is slight hit, and some blood can be seen on him. Now the Pangoro is really pissed as it hurt its pride to be hurt by such a weak-looking Pokemon. Pangoro runs towards Rimuru, and Rimuru uses another Dragon's Breath, but this time Pangoro jumps and body slams on top of Rimuru. Rimuru doesn't have any time to react and gets crushed. The Pangoro starts laughing at Rimuru, and picks him up and uses circle throw, and launches him towards some trees. Rimuru uses a water pulse towards the tree to slow him down but still hits the tree very hard.

"ARGHHH" Rimuru screams. Even though Rimuru and the Pangoro are around the same level Pangoro has more fighting experience, which gives a huge advantage to Pangoro. "Arghhhhh... Zero told me that when I'm hurt really bad .... argh, I should focus all of my energy into my body to get stronger and perhaps even evolve". "AHHHHHHH" Rimuru screams (technically gurgles), and starts glowing. "Yes, this is it, the feeling that Zero was talking about". Pangoro looks at the Rimuru awestruck and doesn't attack Rimuru, as every Pokemon respect the evolution process, and even though they may not know it, something in the Pokemon blood prohibits them from attacking.

As the light fades, Rimuru looks much bigger, has green eyes, and green spots on his neck. He also has a shell looking thing on his back. Rimuru evolved into a Sligoo, and not only that, he evolved into a much bigger than average Sligoo. Sligoo's are usually around 79 cm, but Rimuru is around 100 cm. As Pangoro is still distracted by the fact Rimuru evolved, Rimuru uses a Dragon Pulse which is much stronger than before. The Pangoro is directly hit, and after crashing through a few trees.


Binacle vs level 35 Pangoro


Binacle starts using his hands/heads to move around. It looks pretty funny, and the Pangoro laughs and kicks Binacle with his feet. Binacle flies back, and is hurt very badly, he tries to use an ice beam but it does almost nothing to Pangoro. As Binacle is in a bad state, the Pangoro doesn't even bother looking at him as it would hurt his pride fighting such a pitiful and weak Pokemon. Seeing this Binacle gets pissed and tries to move but is unable to. Little did Binacle know that because of this embarrassing defeat, Binacle will have an undying passion of becoming stronger.


Zero vs Pangoro leader


I lunge towards the big Pangoro and punch him hard in the gut, and since he severely underestimated me, it was quite easy to hit him. The Pangoro is thrown back but isn't hurt too bad. Pangoro starts showing a giant grin since he has found a powerful opponent. I grin back towards him as well and release the most powerful aura I could muster, Pangoro does the same, and our surroundings shake. We start exchanging blows, with wild grins on our faces. As we fight, I get a better understanding of aura, and start using it to reinforce my body, and start trying to use it to shoot some blasts.

(A/N: Think of aura kinda like ki from DBZ except with less potential/weaker)

In the distance I see Rimuru evolving, after getting a beating. 'What the actual fuck lol, I knew it, Pokemon are like Saiyans, they get zenkai's boosts and shit after getting hurt badly. I see Binacle getting one-hit KO-ed and like I predicted the Pangoro didn't bother with him. They are all prideful and the only reason they came to battle us, is because they're battle junkies. The Pangoro that beat Binacle started watching me and its leader fight with wide eyes. Rimuru and the Pagoro that beat Binacle both looked at each other said some words and didn't end up fighting. Rimuru went to pick up Binacle, and the Pangoro went to pick up the other Pangoro, while me and the leader were battling.

I finally learned how to send aura out of my body like a ki blast, and launched a black ball a high speeds towards Pangoro. The Pangoro unleashed a dark slash, and both moves clashed against each other. They canceled out each other and create a cloud of smoke, I reinforce my eyes with aura, and we start brawling in the smoke. After the smoke disperses, me and the Pangoro start breathing heavily, and we both know that the next move will end it all. The Pangoro starts preparing a night slash with a lot of energy while I pump a shit ton of aura in my arm.

(A/N: I feel like this Pangoro thing is getting confusing, so for now I'll call the leader Pangoro, Leader Pangoro, and the two other ones Pangoro 1 & 2)

Leader Pangoro screams "PANGOROOOOO", and I scream "PANGOROOOOOO". A giant explosion occurs and smoke fills the night sky. Leader Pangoro is on one knee while I'm holding the arm I used to punch Leader Pangoro. Leader Pangoro smiles at me and faints. Pangoro 2 that wasn't fainted looked at me with wide eyes. I search my robe's pocket and throw a Pokeball at it with all my aura. Since, Pangoro 2 didn't expect me to throw the pokeball and in addition to the extremely fast speed of the pokeball, he is hit extremely hard on the head, knocking in out and going inside the pokeball. I throw two more pokeballs at Leader Pangoro and Pangoro 1.

'I fucking hated those, idiotic pokemon fanfic MC's that didn't catch every pokemon when they faint. It doesn't mattter if they don't listen to you at first. First of all you could make them respect you and listen to you, second of all you could sell them on the blackmarket, third of all you could give to someone capable of training them'. I smile as I capture the three Pangoro's and go towards the newly evolved Rimuru. I pat his head and pinch his cheeks, and he smiles at me and hugs me. I then go towards Binacle and I see tears in his more than ever determined eyes. Those eyes told me that Binacle was ready to go above and beyond to get stronger. I spray a super potion on Binacle, rub his heads and put him in his pokeball. I then put Rimuru in his pokeball and go back to the tent.

I wasn't worried about any other pokemon attacking me, because I was sure that there wasn't any pokemon in the forest that dared to intervene in such a heated battle. While trying to sleep, I realized that the mask and the robe weren't scratched at all. 'The mask and the robe are possibly indestructible or extremely hard to break. I guess God did some tinkering with them' I say to myself as I slowly fall asleep.

(A/N: Hello, thank you for reading. This is the chapter for the day. If you have any suggestions or corrections, do let me know. Have a good day :).....)