13.My Past

Warning: The beginning of this chapter could be a little dark.

Galaxy/Aniya's POV

I got home from the library to see a worried Loki pacing back and forth. I walked over to Loki and once he saw me, he looked really happy to see me. I ran into his arms and we stood there for a while. I winced as his arms crossed over the x on my back. He let go of the hug and looked at me worried. "What is the matter? Did I do something to hurt you?" He asks looking into my eyes with worry. I shake my head and lowered my head. "What is it?" I could feel tears running down as I could remember what happened vividly. Loki held my hand (the robotic one) and started caressing it comfortingly. I look up into his eyes and I suddenly found the courage to tell him.

"I got the one on my cheek from Hawkeye as you know, I got the x from Gamora, the line on my thigh is from where Gamora stabbed me (when we dueled), the scar across my back and the cut on my left arm is from Thanos. He hated it when I failed, the first time was when you failed in the Battle of New York and he cut a pretty deep line on my left arm, took my eyes out one by one and replaced them with robotics, and he chopped my arm off and replaced it with a robotic one. The second time he wanted me to take the mortal...Jane from Asgard so he could get the Aether, but I came back empty-handed after I followed Thor and you into Svartalfeim. I was too late when Malekith took the Aether out of her." I said and started breathing heavy from the dark memories I would prefer to never remember again.

"Your safe Galaxy and I won't let anyone hurt you again." Loki says while caressing my face and wiping my tears away. There is barely any space between us and I start getting nervous. I look down, he grips my chin gently and makes me look in his eyes. I'm still a bit shocked, but that changes as I feel his lips on mine.

When we had parted, I looked into his eyes and I could see my reflection. I could see my eyes and they were bright pink. "Where is Thor? Will he be back?" I ask worriedly about Thor.

"When the time is right, he needs to focus on being the All-Father. I wouldn't have come back from Asgard if you weren't here. When I do go back, I will bring you with me and we will spend eternity together." Loki leaves me speechless and I didn't know what to say. I had always wanted to go to Asgard, I have heard that most of Asgard is made of pure Gold.

"I love you Loki, and I'm glad I didn't kill you."