Chapter 8: The Silver Rebellion

The three made their way into the room across the hall, the design being completely the same as the one they entered in before, not a single minute difference could be found. As Louise tried opening the door… she was stopped with a single tap on the shoulder by Dante.

" Before you go in, I suggest you wear this first… "

From his bag, the man had taken out a military cap for the noirette to wear. While confused, she guessed the situation and had wore the cap without question.

" Good, now let's get to business. "

Lorraine had spoken before opening the door… and inside were nuns, some of which Louise immediately recognized as the ones staring at her, and the others were fresh faces. The room had been designed like a classroom, with multiple tables and chairs all of which were occupied. This chamber they entered had the desks were aligned vertical which made way for a center speaker to reach the end of the room without difficulty. At the end of the room was a large television covering the majority of the wall.

A simple scan from Lorraine occurred as Dante stayed at the door, completely still while keeping guard, face forward and everything.

The silverette had motioned for the noirette to follow her, waving her hand in a curling motion as she walked across the simple red carpet placed on top of the dark and greyish floor. The noirette followed soon after, walking right behind the woman. Louise tried to lean in, whispering to Lorraine.

" Um. . . What's this hat for? "

Lorraine gave a simple glance before answering. There wasn't a look of distaste, or disgust because of a question like that.

" You'll see. I'll explain everything in this meeting. "

The woman soon reached the speaking area within the room, the small podium which had a golden carpet instead of a read carpet.

" Alright, it is time to conduct the 102nd meeting of The Church of The Three Spirits of Discovery. The topic at hand is the Silver Rebellion. "

She had taken a pause, inserting a USB into the side of the television before immediately turning the silver screen on.

" As you can see, based on the intel of our friends from the Anglican Church… We've identified the areas which the Silver Rebellion plan to attack. Other than… Area 51, Reno, and Carson City it seems they're also attacking specific domains to cause panic within Roswell… I've worked with the Roswell Guard, and have given them this information, thanks to Dante. The Domains to cause the most panic is District 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, and 11. It seems that they don't have the manpower to attack each and every district. "

The speaker paused, letting the nuns take in the information to fully analyze the situation, she expected questions. These were smart women after all, fully educated nuns who had gotten a master's degree or equivalent.

Just like that, hands had gone up.

" Miss. We don't have enough manpower ourselves. We've made requests with the Roswell Guard as well, they will only lend us at most 200 men. That's not nearly enough."

A quick answer was given, without a moment's hesitation.

" We will have help from the Church of the Three Truths. They are willing to send us their… 'peacekeeping' operatives. As for the Roswell Guard… due to Dante here once disaster strikes we'll be seen as allies. "

Another question was asked.

" Will our identities be found out? After all, the technology used in Roswell… "

Another quick answer.

" No, they will not. When we came here I've told you all to get accustomed to different names right? Since Roswell does not seem to be too intrusive, unlike some of our home countries which demand hair samples and whatnot. "

While these questions were going on… Louise looked to the side, trying to distract herself from the conversation. It didn't even seem like she was needed in this situation, so why should she even pay attention? Of course, a certain black haired male noticed her dozing off, and decided to clear his throat, interrupting the questionnaire that was occurring.

" I think we have another pressing matter to address, my lady. "

Lorraine looked a little confused, before following the boy's eyes, leading them to Louise. The silverette then got her revelation.

" Ah yes of course! Everyone, greet our newest ally. This is Azide, I'm sure you've seen her on the news. She'll be initiating our plans by acting as a Superhero. "

With that, Azide had snapped back into the conversation, looking towards the nuns, trying to introduce herself.

" Hello everyone! I look forward to working with you in um… destroying the Silver Rebellion, I guess. "

While the nuns looked neutral and indifferent, there had been a look of disappointment with the two that Louise actually knew the names of. If she were to guess on how they felt about that introduction… the thoughts would line up with…

' She has no class. '

To make up for the awkward silence from the girl's introduction, Dante decided to try and clear his throat again, raising his hand to add another question.

" Yes, Dante? "

" Well, we ought to know what her ability is right? Not only that but I have something to show you all. "

Dante had grabbed a remote which was near the entrance, clicking a few buttons on the TV and switching to the local news. There was footage of someone running down the vast deserts of Nevada, moving faster than said helicopter on foot. The footage had been muted as well with a blonde reporter talking.

" There's this woman that seemed to have betrayed the Silver Rebellion. From the analysis of the footage, they're the unnamed Superhuman and from the looks of it, she was supposed to be the defense of those terrorists. We only know the effects of her ability… though, this time, she seems different. We might need to recruit her too. Other than that… Azide, you're up "

Azide was looking at the footage, and even as the camera crew tried to get a glance at the woman's face which was covered, the girl couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia… that was someone she knew, she had a 6th sense for stuff like this… but who could that person be? She was a bit distracted and when Dante cleared his throat once more… she snapped back.

" Ah yes… It's hard to explain with words, let me just show you. "

She thought of a proper demonstration, and looked towards Dante, a nonchalant face that juxtaposed with her words.

" Let me hit ya, Dante. "

A look of both worry and surprise clouded the room, the uneasy feeling that wasn't concerned for Dante's safety but rather concern for the damage that would be invoked within the room. However, unlike everyone else, Dante had a smile on his face before he put both of his arms up, hunching his back to defend himself

" I'm ready. "

With that, Azide had created an explosion at her feet, destroying the carpet below her before she extended her arm and brought forth another explosion right in front of Dante's blocking stance. Of course, this wasn't quite enough and he had been blasted back onto the door.

" Ouch. "

Azide didn't think much of it, as she landed back on the ground while the explosion had occurred. She didn't expect the reaction people had made, even Lorraine had a look of horrified shock.

" You… you had that much power? "

A shaking voice from the silverette could be heard.

" Well… I tried harder when I was fighting earlier, so yeah, I have that much, but I can definitely do more. "

Immediately, there were raised hands within the group of nuns.

" Miss! Why shouldn't we just leave it to this girl?! "

Now there was a look of confusion with Azide, she had no idea what they were going on about, and she was about to object, but before she could even make out a single word… she was interrupted.

" That'll just cause more trouble for us, don't you realize that? "

The nun tilted her head in confusion, with the look of uncertainty in her eyes she was trying to piece together everything she had inferred about the woman in front of them.

" But- "

" No, listen to me. She's reckless. Not only that, but using her alone might cause mass destruction to this city. "

The other hands had immediately gone down, as they realized what he meant through his words. Azide just gave a sigh of relief.

Thank god, I was ready to book it-

" Well if there aren't any more questions… we'll be taking our leave, meeting adjourn- "

All of the nuns had stopped in place, Dante had immediately looked up, along with Lorraine. Azide didn't know what was going on. Soon enough, everyone in the room except for Azide had started to kneel. The noirette was confused, oh so confused. They started a prayer. All of them combined…

Most glorious father, source of our strength, may you set aside this simple circumstance with your eternal kindness and break the laws of nature… PROTECTION!

She noticed that everything within her field of vision had an added tint of green, a bright green glow along with golden particles surrounding the air…

" …What… What's going on? "

She then felt the ground shake, like an Earthquake had occurred. Just like what happened at school the day before! But what was even worse… she noticed that some of the nuns were losing their posture, even passing out… All she could do was wait until the calamity was over…

Once things had calmed down… everyone had evacuated the room, running through the halls of the church which was seemingly unharmed, save for a few things on shelves falling down, such as unused candles.

However… when they got outside… they noticed that the parking lot, the garden, everything that was in near proximity of the church had been destroyed. Everything left in a wake of simple rubble, cars blown up and only the dark brown dirt remained…

" …What the…? "

Soon, a loud alarm could be heard, the same one as the day before, but now there were multiple messages, all saying the same thing�� That there had been a terrorist attack in the city…

Louise looked around, trying to see if there were any police around. There were none, but she then noticed people going near the gate of the church, all men with weapons aimed down at those in the church…

Louise had opened up her phone and tried to call her father… but he didn't pick up, despite there being signals all around…

Why do you have to be away now!?

Soon enough, the terrorists outside lined up their weapons and rained down bullets on them, destroying windows, with bullets penetrating through holes.

" Run! Immediately! Have the nuns create a temporary bubble! Now! Go go go! We're going to the Apostle's Chamber! "

Without hesitation, the nuns had ran back, immediately gathering the chairs and forming a barricade around the hallway which they came. Every few seconds or so, there would be a loud explosion along with some of the roof falling down…

" Why are they attacking now!? "

" I don't know! Our intel said that they'd be attacking 2 days from now! "

" Then what the hell was that all about?! "

Dante and Lorraine had been yelling at each other, as they ran down the narrow hallway of the church, finally finding a downwards spiral staircase, Dante didn't hesitate to just jump down with the nuns, while immediately holding both Louise and Lorraine on his back as he jumped. . . It must have been around 10 seconds since the jump before they landed.

" Okay. . . Nuns, create the bubble around this area now. We'll have to use… that to stand a chance until the Roswell Guard gets here. Also, Lorraine alert the other churches about this too, Louise, follow me. "

Everyone had done their respective jobs, the nuns had immediately knelt down, starting to pray… Lorraine had gotten on her cellphone… before realizing that she didn't have service this far underground.

" Hey. Big problem, I don't have bars. "

" Then… fuck. Wait for the nuns to make the bubble and then go up on the stairs. "

Lorraine nodded and Dante made his way further into the dark room. If anything… this place looked like a dungeon, with greyish stone walls, along with multiple steel gates…

" What… What is this room used for? "

Dante could sense the uncertainty with Louise… her will was falling just by the intimidation that the room naturally have.

" Don't worry about that. We're here for one thing, It's a weapon that'll help us. It doesn't have a name, and if it does, it's not important… It's just… a Legendary Weapon. "