Chapter 10: Betrayal

A convoy of about 15 armored cars were speeding through an empty highway, surrounded by a desolate landscape of their once proud metropolis. Looking through the residential areas. . . homes were being burned, if not already in shambles. The task forces inside looked down with gloom, and anger as they were witnessing an attack that was unprecedented.

"Alright men."

A long haired brunette which was held in a ponytail had stood up inside of their vehicle, just being short of the roof. A girl with glasses who was sitting next to her had looked up, and the rest of the men in helmets had followed.

"Be careful out there, okay? Alright, remember the mission, we are to perform Operation Domain Control!"

Soon enough the men had gone out, holding out their steel black rifles, some holding snipers on the highway, they soon had set up barricades, and were finally supported with helicopters. They had aimed down their sights as someone with binoculars had called out the distance.

"Alright! Enemy coming in hot! 200 meters away! 15 vehicles with turrets above them! "

The men in helmets had immediately loaded up a tube about the length of one's arm once fired, they had released a plethora of small spikes about 50 meters away, covering the entirety of the highway in front of them.

Soon, the men had switched positions with others who were equipped with grenade launchers, and right behind them were men with automatic rifles.

The helicopters had started to open fire as the vehicles came, sure enough, they were armored and the turrets had started to fire towards the choppers as well.

"75 meters! 50 meters! The vehicles had hit the spikes!"

The tires had popped, and those driving had lost control, the vehicles skidding out of control and slamming into walls and guardrails alike. Soon enough men had poured out of them. What the task force saw, was something unbelievable.

"They're wearing SIR Suits!"

The woman with brown hair had deducted something. . . something was definitely off, why weren't they warned earlier about this. . .? Why did the choppers not tell them about the enemy while they were close!?

The moment she turned around, she felt the shock of an explosion, along with the radiation of fire. The ground had shook and once she turned around, only a tinge of orange and red could be seen.

"Shit! Shit! Run now! Our support is working for the ene-!"

She had been cut off by a bullet passing through her arm, in which she immediately grabbed the only surviving member and had shoved the officer back into the armored vehicles they had, and thus a hail of bullets flew towards them, mostly bouncing off of the car. She had immediately spun the car around using the E-Brake, forcing her already wounded arm to move the lever and like that they were driving away.

Behind them, the men had equipped one of the launchers that were dropped by the dead men, and shot it towards the car. The grenade had landed just under the wheel causing an explosion which sent the vehicle off the elevated highway, falling around 50 meters.

The Anarchists on the highway had looked down, and saw the car flipped upside down before they looked away and left.

Shattered windows surrounding her, along with smoke surrounding the armored car. The soldier felt an intense nausea which caused their head to spin, she held the side of her head, trying to block out the painstaking ringing sound, looking at that same hand, she noticed the ample amount of blood on it. She had to keep calm.

". . . Who am I? I am Allie Olsen. I'm 27 years old, I'm the Roswell Angels. . ."

Just like that she had slapped her own cheeks lightly and had started to crawl out of the broken window, the glass stuck to her reinforced kevlar armor. She held her arm and looked upward. She scowled at the world, feeling confused and most importantly… betrayed.

What the hell is going on here?

In a laboratory

Short, unruly and scruffy black hair was tapping away at a keyboard, with a whiteboard being the only other thing inside of the mostly grey and black room. The figure was dressed in white, a large lab coat along with white pants along with a black shirt with an ID on her.

However, today wasn't just a normal day. She was frantically typing away, with her eyes scrolling through the thousands of words in front of her face almost instantly. She had a single hot pocket sticking out of her mouth as she ate…

"Not good…not good at all, what the hell is happening right now!?"

She voiced her opinion outside…

"Silver Rebellion Silver Rebellion… where the hell are the plans for that. There has to be something!"

There was also lots of clicking from her mouse… almost matching the speed at which someone was knocking on the door. The knocking had grew louder and louder.

"Oh shut up!"

Soon the girl opened up a new program and started to type away, and from behind her, a six foot, curvy and metallic robot had come out, with a human shaped head but with completely bent artificial legs and arms.

She typed more words into the console which she opened and the robot had gone towards the door, waiting for it to open. She closed her laptop and had pulled a drawer open, pulling out an advanced weapon, being quite rare, the only reason she had this gun was due to a trip to Chicago. She put this pistol back into a holster running in the opposite direction…

Why did this happen?

What was the whole point of being in this situation?

She had immediately climbed upwards into a ventilation shaft, she had taken out a tablet and opened out a map, not only that but she had placed a tracker on her shoulder. The silver screen flashed and blinked, revealing a orange outline at where the paths are, with a black background. She touched the screen, drawing an X on certain areas, exits named D, H, I ,J

Alright. Not going there…

As she crawled though the vents, she could hear the commotion down below, from shouting to shooting, the girl moved at a snail's pace, inching her way through to make as little sound as possible.

I swear to God if I fall down from these vents, I'll lose it.

Of course, with a stroke of luck, she had immediately met her fate, falling down from the vents due to a loose screw in place. However, with her inhumane reaction speed, she noticed the terrorists which were in front and behind her. Right as they pointed their assault rifles towards her she had already aimed and fired, destroying their guns with a single bullet for each weapon.

The five had tried running at her, and all were met with bullets through their legs, four of them also had additional bullets through their chests, the scientist left one alive, lifting his head after she shot him in the arms.

"Where's everyone else in your team? Which exits are they coming from? Speak and I'll make sure that a bullet doesn't go through your jaw."

The man screeched a bit, losing all hope, was this woman the devil?

"Exits A, B, C, D and J Please. Don't hurt me-"

He felt immediate pain on his hand as she had sent out a bullet, piercing it.

"Not good enough, this building has 10 exits, there's no way those are the only occupied ones. Tell me all of them."

The man screamed, and wallowed in pain as he tried to bite the woman as a last resort, she backed up just in time and retaliated back by smashing his nose with her weapon. She sighed, deciding to formulate her own plan as the man kept on crying…

He's so damn loud!

She sighed, but immediately had gotten an idea, what if… She used the man as a hostage immediately smacking his head with the gun and knocking him out, and closed the door, right before grabbing one of the shorter men's uniforms, stripping him of it and wearing it herself. She had ended up carrying the knocked out man as well. She took a good look at his nametag to remember, along with any signs or clues of what division this man might be in…

Alright so he's in the Gamma Seven Squad, and my name is officially…Logan Hamond. God that's such a deviation from Zoe Oswald.

As she made her way through, the hallways were seemingly empty…

There's no one here, something is definitely up.

She upon saying that she had made her way to the exit, and right in front of it was a… Roswell Angel? With a flipped car behind her. The woman immediately pulled out a gun.

"Put your hands in the air, Terrorist!"

She immediately dropped the man and put her hands up, she even got on her knees trembling in fear.

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait! Please! I'm not a terrorist!"

"You're a damn terrorist! I can't mistake that uniform from anything else!"

The scientist was shivering, she was outmatched, and she couldn't just shoot that woman either! She had Roswell armor, meaning that even her pistol wouldn't be able to pierce that armor of hers.

"Look! My name is Zoe Oswald! Zoe Oswald I am a Junior Software Engineer Researcher for The Roswell Administration. My Serial number is 0928200! My hobbies include coding, number theory, making fun of religious hacks, and videogames and-!"

She was cut off immediately, the woman had put her gun down and decided to take off her helmet, luckily her ID had also come out due to the pulling force, she could even see the labcoat she wore underneath.

"Fine, Fine I believe you. I'm just glad I found someone…And I'm guessing that place is filled with bad guys too, right?"

The scientist sighed, pulling her away and opened up a manhole cover.

"Get down here, I have a map of the sewers…I'm getting out of this stupid city."

The police woman followed her immediately, a simple nod showed that the officer also had the same idea, though unlike the scientist a look of conflict was written on her face, and just like that, they were inside of the sewers.

Once they were inside, the two silently walked side by side. The police officer took out her flashlight and illuminated the damp and dark tunnel.

"So…What's happening in the city?"

The scientist asked, she looked at the officer with a curious look, though one could tell of the terror that was hiding within her coat.

"Terrorists…I think? I just know the city is being attacked, it seemed the Roswell Guard had traitors within the organization."

Of course, this caused a look of gloom to befall the scientist.

"Great… We really have no choice but to escape this city. Which by the way, we're getting pretty close on doing. Just a few more turns here and…"

The two had turned a corner, and saw something odd… something quite conspicuous. There was a girl there, in her teenage years, Looking up from a small crack from the manhole.


The girl shrieked and suddenly the water next to them had ruptured, coating them in the putrid sewage. The two had instinctively tried to block the hit, but alas were still covered in the disgusting, brownish water.

"Look! We're not bad people!"

The scientist put their hands up while the cop followed suit.

"I'm with the Roswell Guard and by that uniform… You're definitely from Roswell Prep. What is a kid like you doing here…?"