The one-armed thrall could only think of one thing right now and that was to survive. 'No one told me there would be a monster in this small place. I need to go before I die' turning around he flew out of the building trying to escape.
"Did I allow you to leave?" kai came right in front of him causing the thrall to halt. 'Impossible I should be much faster than a level 5. My innate ability makes me more agile and fast yet he caught up to me like that. His abilities truly are above level 5'
"Brat doesn't push it. I still have moves left that will cause mutual destruction. I won't bother you so let me go" intimidation was the only thing he could count on now and the boys fear of death.
Unfortunately, for him, though kai was only 10. How could a child like him possible know what death would feel like? Just as it was expected Kai just stood there with a straight expression.
"Please forgive me, young lord. I was blind and didn't realise I was in the presence of a great being. Please spare my life, I can be very useful to you." Deciding to change tactics he quickly kneeled and bowed in front of Kai while crying.
This caught Kai off-guard as he had never met anyone who pleaded like this. Most of the time they would already fall unconscious or just say they give up. How did he turn from being menacing to this cowardly pathetic?
Suddenly Kai's vision went blank as though something was blocking it. The thrall on the ground who had been pleading had thrown dirt right at Kai's eyes.
Seeing a window of opportunity that opened up the thrall delivered a devastating punch to his gut causing the kid to go smash into the wall. Without giving any space to breathe he quickly caught up and raised his right hand straight showing his claws.
"Die" his hand aimed straight at the kid's chest where his heart was located. The claws connected to his chest at an unbelievable speed yet the thrall was horrified instead of happy.
Blood dripped down on the floor yet on closer look it was the thralls claws that had been completely broken and even his fingers had been mutilated.
'I couldn't even pierce his skin! I used all my strength, ALL OF IT!!' At this point, he had lost the ability to think. At this point, Kais had cleared enough for him to open it.
Laying down with his back towards the walk he looked up at the thrall "That hurt you know. I've never been hit so hard by anyone. It was fun fighting you"
With a quick strike to the thralls knee, Kai shattered it as the man screamed falling down. Similar to the last thrall he stabbed this one in the chest, pulling out his heart.
Before he could crush the heart, the thrall started laughing. "So what if you can kill me. My master is a peak level 9 elder. Even with your strength, you will be nothing more than an ant. If you let me go I can put in a good word for you"
His voice came to a halt as his heart was crushed. "You talk too much" the thralls body turned into ash.
However, what he said did get to him. His father was meant to be fighting at the entrance of the town. Even his father would have a hard time fighting a peak level 9 elder. He needed to go there before something happens.
Mary soon caught up when Kai was about to take his leave. "Little one where are you heading to now? It's dangerous."
"Mother, dads fighting a level 9 vampire elder. Even if he is strong, fighting a level 9 will be hard. If the vampire has other followers I can go, help dad" with that he quickly ran towards where his father was located.
Mary had no choice but to follow kai. She was worried about both father and son.
Back at the towns entrance the battle between vampires and humans was heating up. Kall who had finally killed the blood thrall came up to help Sam with Ivy.
The two had fought together before so the synergy between them way pretty good. Sam made sure to attack with fast sword swipes while allowing Kall to swing his massive sword from above to put pressure on the woman.
Surprisingly, for both of them, her Rapier was able to withstand both Sam and Kalls massive sword. She did not look tired in the least.
Only 4 other guards were remaining at the back but they were go exhausted and riddled with scars to take part in the battle. Even if they did it would only slow Sam and Kall down. After all, they were only level 6.
"I think I've had enough of this play now. My little things must've already killed everyone in the town hall" her aura burst out all of a sudden causing the dust around to blow away and her clothes to flutter.
*Boom* she vanished from where she was standing and appeared right in front Kall who's eyes opened wide. He didn't even see her move at all yet she appeared in front of him.
'No!' Sam tried to move as fast as he could but was a step too late. Ivy's Rapier went straight through Kall's chest and pierced his heart.
The force of her swing was so strong it made a first size hole in his chest where the sword pierced. That was the end of Kall the mighty garrison leader. Blood trickled out of his mouth as his eyes closed.
Ivy grabbed Kall's neck and sucked his blood dry before throwing it to the side. All the injuries on her body started to heal.
"Now shall we start Round 2" she grinned showing off her bloody teeth.
"You bastard I'll kill you!" Rage had consumed Sam at this point. Be swung his sword at the woman's head to decapitate her. Ivy raised her rapier to deflect it.
"Oh my your blood will taste sweeter the angrier you are" pushing his sword back she swung her rapier in a stabbing motion. The sword stabbed Sam in his left and right shoulder. He groaned in pain as he jumped back to make a distance between them.
'Fuck I was good careless' he cursed at his foolishness. He let his heart take the better of him when Kall died. He needed to be calm when facing her.
Before he could collect his thoughts, the woman was already upon him looking down at his kneeling figure. "Time to say goodbye insect." Her sword came screeching down at his neck.
*Boom* as if a massive explosion happened right in front of Sam. He saw the figure of the vampire go flying to the side. What stood in front of him was someone he was very familiar with. His son.
Kai who had just reached the destination where the battle was going saw his father about to be stabbed by a sword.
At that moment he only thought about helping him. His aura burst and his feet left the ground with extreme speed. Just before the sword was about to hit its mark, Kai slammed his left fist right on the woman's face sending her flying to the side.
"Kai what are you doing here?" Sam himself was astonished. He thought his son and wife would've died but it did not seem to be the case. He had been hoping for their safety and now his son appearing here made him happy and nervous at the same time.
This was no place for a child to be. He wouldn't want Kai to even come here much less battle. "Kai you need to go back to your mother right now. This isn't a place for you to stay" however he was met with his son's eyes which were clearly defying his order.
'This kid' he sighed getting back up on his two feet.
"My my I really didn't expect this. To think there is someone capable to send me flying away like this. Must really be capable but to think it's only a damn child" A figure of a woman slowly approached from all the rubble that was scattered on the ground as the dust settled.
Ivy at this point was extremely furious, to think a child was capable of sending her flying. How dare such a little thing do that to her. To make matters worse it seemed that the two blood thralls she had sent had died.
This was humiliating to her.
"I will burn this whole town to the ground" for the first time in many years there was someone capable go drive her to the corner like this.
With no choice but to take her hostility head on Sam got read. "Get ready boy. You'll provide back up to me. Do not overdo yourself and do not get yourself killed"