And then...BAMM JUMP DOWN A..... bunny?
Richard: oh it's just a bunny thought it was something else, oh yeah I need to get back for din-
Richard: What was that??
I suddenly heard a gunshot from the front door area that I decided to check.
after I almost arrive at the front door I saw a man standing in front of the logs me and John just chop down holding a gun and pointing it at my friends. I wanted to make a plan first but I don't know when he will shoot them so I just go attack him with my axe, and the situation got a little..... messy.....(well more of a "bloody mess" hehe get it?) I attack the man's head with my axe and..... yeah..... it's disgusting.... yeah.... anywayyyyy after I killed that man I took the man's gun and ask my friend if they are alright, and they seem fine, they also told me that there are three more guys inside of the house robbing our supplies.
and then I killed 3 people in the house, one was upstairs and two was downstairs, and I also almost got shot but I shot the guy first and of course, I was..... shocked due to me killing 4 people but I need to let my emotions aside so me and the others can get rid of the body by wrapping them with blankets and bury them. After that John and Miya helped me calm down because I just killed 4 people..... but to be honest I didn't get scared, yes I was shocked a little bit after killing 4 people I didn't feel anything. so I told them I was alright and all of us decided that we need to take a rest this has been a long long day.
The Next Day
Sunday 27 / 12 / 20 06.00
Today I have the feeling to wake up early so I wanted to cook the others breakfast. I cooked bacon and eggs and by the time I finish cooking the others came down
Richard: rise and shine boys and girls
Maya, Anna, John: good morning
Miya: Richard did you cook breakfast?
Richard: Yeah, why?
Miya: that was supposed to be my duty
Richard: it's okay I woke up faster than you guys so I just decided to cook
Miya: thanks
Richard: gotcha
and then we spent the rest of the day just chilling in the cabin because the weather was very nice and beautiful today.
for the rest of the month, it has been the same thing for me, which is sleeping, eating, chopping some woods, cook some food sometimes, then sleep again, then repeat. But today I heard from the radio I fixed a few days ago that the government is still alive and turns out that they already made the antidote for the virus so the zombies cannot see you and are going to start to give the antidote away soon. a few days later the antidote came dropping from a crate that was dropped from a plane. after we receive the antidote government told us to Gather up in a certain area tomorrow where the choppers will be waiting for survivors.
Wednesday 21/1/21 07.00
early morning we were getting ready to go to the location. when we were walking to the location we found some zombie that just walk right past us since we use the antidote so we continue to walk. we walked past around 5 to 7 zombies and finally, we arrived at the location. we saw the chopper was still half empty because we thought that the survivors are still on their way here. but right after we got in the helicopter immediately lift
Richard: umm excuse me is there no other survivor around?
Soldier: no we already checked the whole area, there is no more survivor
Richard: if I may ask how many helicopters are picking up survivors?
Soldier: 5 or so but we will go to a different area
Richard: oh I see
when we arrived at the base we saw some armoured tank ready to fight off the zombies so we know that we are safe here. but we didn't know that that was only wave one..., everybody thinks we are ready for the next enemy but noo we are not ready at all...