Chapter 5

After a few minutes, Suzune started to wake up. "W-warm", she said. Kiyotaka heard her and stopped walking. "Hey are you awake?" He asked her. She opened her eyes and notice she was on his back. "Y-yeah", she said blushing a bit. "Can I get off you now?" She asked. "Do you want to?" He asked with a smirk. "Yo-you're kidding, right? I'm heavy, aren't I?" She asked him. Kiyotaka shook his head with a smile. "Nah, you're light as a feather", he continued. "O-oh." 'I thought I was heavy I mean my big brother couldn't carry me.' She thought. "I'm feeling like a burden...." She said out loud not knowing. "What?! You are not a burden, Suzune!" Kiyotaka yelled out. Suzune's eyes widen and she got teary. "I....idiot", she started to laugh while crying silently. Kiyotaka was shocked at her reaction, but he gave a warm smile. "Can I get off now?" She asked again. "Do you want to get off?" He asked. "Shut up idiot. Hmph!" "Okay okay I'll put you down now." He said. "No! I'm staying here now!" She said to him with a smile. "Fine by me then." He said as he started to walk.

After a few hours, they got to their houses. "We're here!" Suzune said with a smile as she walked in front of Kiyotaka. She had gotten off his back after an hour. "Yeah we're here." He said with a forced smile. Suzune's parents weren't home because they're car was gone. She went up to the door and knocked. Manabu answered the door, "Yes? Suzune! You're here!" He said as he hugged her. "Yeah I'm home now." Kiyotaka looked at them. Manabu stopped hugging her and looked at Kiyotaka with a glare. Kiyotaka looked back at Manabu with a death glare. "Chill. Anyways glad that both of y'all are okay." Manabu said to them. Professor Ayanokōji (aka Kiyotaka's father if you did not know) walked up to them. "Well hello son." He looked at Kiyotaka then at Suzune. "Hello, Suzune." "Hi Mr. Ayanokōji", she said with a smile. Kiyotaka looked at his father then at Suzune. Manabu stayed silent while looking at Professor Ayanokōji with a glare. "Well we have to get going now. Let's go Kiyotaka." Kiyotaka looked at his father, "Da- I mean father?" Professor Ayanokōji raised an eyebrow, "What is it?" "C-can Suzune come over later?" He asked him. "That depends on Manabu", he said. Manabu looked at Suzune and nodded. "Mom and dad won't come back until tomorrow." Suzune smiled, "Thank you, big brother!" Professor Ayanokōji nodded, "See you later Suzune." He started to walk to his house. Kiyotaka smiled at Suzune, "See you later." "Bye! See you later!" She went inside when Kiyotaka walked to his house. 'Poor kids', Manabu thought to himself as he went inside and closed the door.

After a few hours. Suzune went to take a bath since she showered already. She stepped into the warm hot water. "This feels nice", she said to herself. After a few minutes, she thought about Kiyotaka. She blushed remembering what happened. 'Oh my goodness!! One he kissed me, two he was sooo close to me, and three I saw him half naked!!!' She blushed deeply. A hour pasted, she got up and dried herself. She put on pants and a hoodie since it was cold. She brushed her hair and went downstairs. "Bye Manabu", she left. 'Poor Suzune. Poor Ayanokōji (he still said Ayanokōji not Kiyotaka).' Manabu thought to himself.

Suzune knocked on the door. Professor Ayanokōji answered it. "Hello again Suzune", he said. "Hi Mr. Ayanokōji", she said with a smile. "Please come in." Suzune nodded and went inside. "Wow you have a pretty house, sir." She said with amazement. "Well thank you", he gave a little smile. Kiyotaka came downstairs, "Hey Suzune." Suzune smiled and waved, "Hi Kiyotaka." Professor Ayanokōji closed the door, "Shall we eat?" They both nodded. They ate and went to the living room to watch tv. After an hour, both of them fell asleep. Professor Ayanokōji saw them on the couch. 'It's time' Professor Ayanokōji thought to himself.

The next day, Manabu knocked on the door. Professor Ayanokōji answered. "You got the stuff?" He looked at the bag Manabu held. "Yeah I got all of it." He said holding the bag. "Great", Professor Ayanokōji lead him where Suzune and Kiyotaka where at. "When she wakes up, she won't remember anything about Kiyotaka anymore." He said to Manabu. "Why don't you want her to remember him? And why don't you want him to remember her?" Manabu asked seriously. "Because if they both remember each other that would hold them down." Manabu nodded leaving the bag on the floor and grabbing Suzune. "I'm leaving now", he said as he left. Professor Ayanokōji started packing and putting things in the car before Kiyotaka wakes up. Once Professor packed everything he needed he put Kiyotaka in the shotgun seat. He went to the drivers seat and drove off. Manabu was looking out the window until he left. He sighed and looked back at Suzune who was sleeping. He kept looking at her hoping she would wake up soon. He sighed and looked down. Suzune slowly opened her eyes.