Shaky Flight

When the little boy looks at me, he takes a mini step back. Am I that ugly?

- Hello, my name is Melody, are you Ethan ?. - I said, he nods slowly. He walks towards me taking small steps and remains standing, his small cheeks still flushed and with traces of tears, patting my thighs gently - Do you want to tell me? - I ask him and slowly he nods and approaches me, I take him and feel him on my thighs and hug him - What did that child do to you, did he hit you? - Ethan denies and starts crying again, oh god, no no no, I can't see this child cry.

- The big boy ... told me that ... that I am stupid and ugly and ... and that is why I am alone and that nobody loves me. - He says breaking into a cry that makes my heart break, that child's comment hurt him a lot.

- That's easy, you just tell him "whoever says it is" and you leave him speechless Ethan. Its a classic. - I say removing the tears from his face, he quickly hugs me with his little arms. I caress her head and back so that she calms down.

- Young man, go to your seat! - I turn my head back and I see Nathaniel glaring at the child's parents and the aforementioned about to say something. I don't know why I think I should go to intervene, I smell like a fight, I get up with Ethan in my arms and when I reach them I lower him without letting go of his little hand.

- Madam, your rude son has insulted my brother and I will not allow it. - He turns to the child. - Say sorry. - Nathaniel says looking at the angry child, he looks furiously at Ethan, who squeezes my hand even more and sticks to me, I feel his fear.

- I'm not going to apologize to that ugly orphan. - I watch how Nathan's eyes burn with fury and Ethan sobs again, if that blond boy of about 11 years old keeps talking it will end very badly. So I decide to intervene before Nathaniel kills someone, because of his face, he doesn't have much patience.

- Hi. - I mean, bad start, now everyone is looking at me with the face of killing me. - I can talk with him? - I said looking at the boy, he was already getting up with an air of greatness and superiority, I looked at Ethan and gently shook my head, I whispered "Come with me, nothing will happen to you."

- Yes, you can talk to him, but you get to do something for my son and you take him away girl. - The father answers, I grab the child by the hand and he gets out of my grip but follows me to our seats.

- What is your name? - I ask the child and he doesn't answer me. - Hey, you said things to Ethan that made him feel bad, I don't know if the first thing you said before is true but I look at Ethan and I see a very handsome and good boy just like you and I don't like him to suffer, Can you please tell me your name and why did you tell him that? - I tell him and his eyes begin to water a little but he continues with a hard expression and his arms crossed.

- Jack. - He answers seriously looking at Ethan with hatred, his expression suddenly changes to one with a hint of evil and he lifts his head to look at me. - My name is Jack Doll. - He tells me with a wink, Ay. God Mine ... This is worse than I thought, This time the situations were exchanged and it was Ethan who was glaring at Jack.

- Okay Jack, please, could you apologize to Ethan and be friends? - I told him, he was thoughtful for a moment.

- No, I don't want to be his friend.- He says looking at him, Ethan lowers his head and stares at the ground, I for my part look to see if his parents are looking at me and just by crossing glances with Nathaniel, who is the only one who look back I grab that kid by the arm and keep a steady, cold gaze.

- What do you want, boy? I'm just telling you to apologize for starting to insult him, and you are already a little too old for this, he hasn't done anything to you. - I say to him and drop him suddenly. He stares at me, turns his gaze to Ethan, and smiles. What happens to this child?

- I will apologize to him only if you give me a kiss. - He says, I was stunned.

- HA !, you think I'm crazy, find another one.

- Mel, whatever, let's go. - Ethan says pulling my hand.

- No Ethan, I'm not leaving here until I apologize, as my name is Melody Brown.- I say staying in my place.

-So Melody Brown ... well, listen to me clearly Melody Brown, my parents have enough money to destroy you and your whole family, so if you don't want me to tell my parents that you have threatened, bribed and assaulted me, do what I tell you.- He left us open-mouthed, damn kid ...

- Okay. - I approached his face and gave him a mini kiss on the cheek. He was going to go crazy but not fast enough, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back. - Now ask him for forgiveness. - She approached Ethan and whispered "Sorry to tell you all that, I was angry when I saw you so happy with your older brother, I also have one but it is as if she was not ..." And at that moment I felt

- Jack, you said it very softly, can you say it louder? - I mean, Jack looks at me a little annoyed, but he repeats it louder.- Thanks, well ... say goodbye and go back to your place carefully Jack.

- Goodbye. - He said, they shook hands as a symbol of peace and went to his seat.

- That's it, that boy won't bother you anymore Ethan. - Ethan doesn't look at me, he's sitting next to me but he doesn't turn around, I'm going to touch his little arm when he abruptly pushes it away, and now what happened to him? "Ethan." He still doesn't look at me when Nathan arrives.

- Thanks for what you just did Melody, yes Ethan ?. - Said his older brother who did not get an answer from the little boy - Ethan, hey, what's wrong?

"Melody gave Jack a kiss." He said and looked at me with hatred and pain, more of the latter. So that was why, the little one was upset, the confidence that has taken me in this time is impressive.

- That you have a boyfriend? Nathaniel asked me with a frown.

- No, I don't have a boyfriend, Jack is the boy from before and he blackmailed me and threatened to kiss him to apologize to Ethan. - I explained. I grabbed Ethan who was sitting with his back to me and put him on my thighs, though he resisted a bit. Nathaniel shifted to where Ethan was to be closer and I began to stroke the angry Ethan who still did not look at me. - Ethan please don't be mad at me, it was just so that that child would leave you alone, I did it for you little one. - He was thoughtful for a few moments, surely thinking whether to leave that little scene he was riding or not, I approached him and began to kiss him all over his face while little by little he was blushing, I stopped kissing him and asked him to hug and quickly did, I smiled at that action, but then I remembered what that child said.

- Hola Nathan, sé que no debería involucrarme en esto porque no es mi conveniencia pero ... ¿Es cierto lo que dijo ese chico? - Veo a Nathaniel bajar un poco la cabeza y responderme con un "Sí" muy suave. - No quiero presionarte pero si algún día tienes suficiente confianza conmigo me gustaría que me dijeras, si quieres desahogarte o algo. - Miro al pequeño y lo veo dormido, sonrió y con una mano acarició su cabello.

Noto como me sacuden levemente y poco a poco abro los ojos, ¿cuándo me quedé dormido? Cuando los abro por completo, veo a los hermanos mirándome.

- Te quedaste dormido Mel, acabamos de aterrizar. - Nathaniel me dijo.

- Se lo voy a decir a mis padres. - les digo mientras saco mi móvil veo que tengo un mensaje de mi madre diciendo que me estaban esperando afuera - Bueno ... adiós chicos. - Les digo adiós a los dos y camino hacia mis padres cuando repaso mentalmente lo que pasó en el avión, no tienen adónde ir, ni siquiera sé si tienen familia aquí, podrían lastimar a Ethan, finalmente y Cabo es solo un niño ... Cuando dejé mi viaje ancestral a través de los confines del multiverso de mi cerebro me di cuenta de que accidentalmente iba en dirección a esos chicos, así que me volví al menos para darle una señal de espera a mis padres. y continuó en dirección a Nathaniel.

Una vez que nos vamos, les indico a mis padres que esperen un momento mientras me vuelvo hacia Nathaniel.