First meeting

(A/N: This chapter is like first chapter of a romance manga Pft well I want to try it fufufu credits for those romance manga.)


Midnight In the Bar, there's a lot of people dancing while the DJ is playing the dics, tuning the sound, and people drinking in the counter.

In the last seat in the counter there's a lady who has a hourglass body shape with dark one piece dress. Drinking alone with the highest alcohol rate, its of course Lily, when there's a guy going toward Lily she then coldly stared at the guy because she didn't like it. And of when being stared there back become cold sweat.

After some time she decide to leave the bar she then stand up from her seat and go straight to the door, even though she's drinking high alcohol rate it doesn't mean she doesn't walk straight. She also doesn't care if she bump someone. She then feel someone then look at the guy she bumped. She feels that something tugging her heart.

'Doki doki' she feels her heart beats in and out and thought 'Eh? why do feel that? it's been a long time someone to do that to me' well its true even in her past life didn't to that. It only beat when she feel her mother's warm love. She noticed the looks of the she bump and thought 'what a handsome man'.

Of course the guy she bumped into is none other than Alexander, he looks in the face of Lily and also his heart beat in and out 'Doki doki' and thought 'what beautiful lady is this my destined partner' and sigh and look away because the lady leaving the bar he then looks the direction of the lady and thought 'looks like I'm going in this bar again' then proceed in the sound proof room.


After some days past, Alexander then see the beautiful lady he saw last 3 days. His heart then began to beat again just like the last time. He approach the lady in dark dress, once he got close enough space he said the lady.

"Hello their beautiful lady can I seat next to you?" the other guys who heard this become dumbfounded even the bartender because her cold eyes turned them cold sweat.

"Un" answered the lady who also feel her heart beat when she look at the man.

"Eh? just like that?" some one said to them but they ignored it.

Alexander then seat next to the lady and ask, "why are drinking a high alcohol rate? you might get a headache after you finish it"

(A/N: I think this the typical question of mob character to the heroine in romance manga😅)

"Its fine I'm already accustomed in this alcohol" answered the lady.

"By the way, why are here and whats your name? its rude you know" asked by the lady and slightly looked at the man and thought 'why are you so handsome ah~' Lily then slightly shivered because of what she said in her mind.

" name is Alexander Walker nice to meet you" Alexander startled when she questioned him.

"Can you give your name milady" asked Alexander.

" name is Lily" answered Lily, then the two begin talk and question each other.


Both them have been talking a lot that even both of them ignore the time until the bar is closing. The manager reminded them to leave the bar. And so they left the bar goes toward parking lot. The two reach their car before leaving Alexander approach Lily and said something.

"Good night milady, have a great night" Alexander then hold the hand of Lily an kiss it, it seems like Lily have a tint of blush in face and thought 'what a gentleman' Lily only smiled, Alexander release his grasp from her hand and then proceed to his car and also Lily.

(A/N: so cringe(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) )

Lily direction is Left towards her home, after some minutes she reach her little home and park the car in her garage. She open the lights then proceed to her bed room. First she walk to the bath room to bath, after 10 to 15 minutes she finish her bath. Lily dry her wet silver hair and go to the bed to have a sleep.

(A/N: while I'm doing this I'm hesitating to do her some 'research' after some time I reject that thought, what a horny author)

Since Lily meet Alexander for the first time she's been dreaming about the future. Regarding her future family, suddenly Lily appeared in a lucious flat land many flowers bloom their. And she see three person under the willow tree laughing and talking to each other and thought 'Who's three person their?' Lily ask herself. She seems to hear someone's voice "Mother, Father I love you" she look at the one who said that.

Upon looking she didn't see the face only the child smile, she feels the genuine love to that child she thought 'Who's that child? is it my child?' she ask herself and then she faintly heard someone said "Yes" Lily look right and left but saw nothing.

And she went away from that place, "Dear looks like someone saw us" said the young man and the woman said "It is fufu~" said the voluptuous woman while preparing their snacks. "Son help me please" said the woman to the child, and respond with "Okay, mother" while smiling.


Every night the two meet each other like its their destiny, they talk about their lives and general things but not include their origins like birth place and alike

they talk about their financial status. Lily was satisfied because of his status and Alexander was shock because he meet the true lord of the underground business.

Their been talking months in the bar every night, they need suitable place to talk each other. And also each day they talk to each other they see each other a friend. And finally Alexander brought a topic that can change their relationship.

"" slowly ask Alexander to Lily he might get dump but he's willing to take the risk.

"Um okay" Lily was slightly was taken back because of Alexander's question to her but she stable herself before answering and thought 'oh you finally approach that topic huh' Lily was of course happy.

"Oh! thanks I'll call in the morning" Alexander is excited because of her answer, and of course they have a contact number to each other since they've been talking a lot.

"Un" Lily smiled at him


After that night, Lily prepared her self because of their date. And she got a called from Alexander.

"Are you ready Lily" ask Alexander to Lily on the phone.

"Yes Alexander" Lily said

"Okay wait for me" Alexander hang up the call and proceed to her home, he knows it because Alexander drove Lily to her home a lot. After sometime he finally got to her home and ring the door bell and see the volputuous body of Lily and admiring it.

"Okay let's go" Alexander then hold the hand of Lily and open the car's door.

Alexander start the engine of the car and proceed to their destination.

Their destination is of course the amusment park just like ordinary couple enjoying their date.

They visited stores to eat and buy souvenirs to remember their date in each store and there is time where they show thier 'affection' to each other like licking the cream in each other mouth. After doing that they got embarrassed and just Laughing it off. Its almost sunset so Alexander dicide to go the 'famous' ride in this perfect time. After finding they ride on that ride, upon reaching the top something amazing happened that is...