Royal proposal

Rune was a handsome man with chiseled features and a fair complexion. He was one of the fine bachelors among the empire while ranked third after lord and Valdis in handsomeness and also the sole successor of Taylor's legacy.

Rune gave a helpless smile to both of his darling sweeties and apologized

'I am sorry Ceci and Camy but after seeing both of you having fun, I thought of joining it too."

"It's like ruining the fun ", Mr. Taylor spat

He was furious with his idiot son. He was so close to finding out if his daughter likes anyone but because of his stupid jealousy, he ruined the moment. He glared at his son and he made a plan to punish his stupid son. Rune who very well understood what his father was thinking in his mind despaired. In his father's heart, his daughters had an immovable position and with this, he was not at all jealous because in his heart to his little sisters and his mother were the only women who he used to love. He admits that he was jealous and terrified that his little sweeties will name a random man and then he would have to share his sweeties with another man. Sharing his sister's love with another man was uncomfortable for him.

Since he got the news that his little sweeties are coming, he tried his best to complete his work as fast as he can and then headed towards the mansion. When he heard his sisters voice, he knew that they were up to no good thus he waited for the drama to unfold and was grinning while watching his sister's act but as soon as his father laid down the conditions of jade bangles his smile dropped, and he crashed his father's plan, but he didn't expect that this plan to backfire.

He was in sorrow and when he saw his sisters hugging his dad he nearly drowned in his sorrow if not for Mrs. Taylors hugging him. He was happy to hug his mother and grumbled about the glare which she gave him earlier.

"Oh my. Rune let's forget all these things. Everyone let's eat dinner. Brian both of your daughters are from Hungary. Let's eat dinner first."

Camy and Ceci wanted to hug their big brother Runes, and he too wanted a hug from his little sweeties, but Mr. Brain held both of his daughter's hands. While dragging both of his daughters he said, "since someone made my precious daughters cry then he can hug himself all he wants and should forget about getting a hug from my daughters."

It was a direct attack on Runes but can he do anything. No, he can't force his little sweeties to give him a hug. Mrs. Taylor was smiling all the way to the dining room and the servants too were holding their laughter. Several years have passed since both the young mistresses dined together and the junior master also visited often, thus the mansion always remained silent but now it was like the mansion had suddenly become lively. Everyone in the house was thrilled except Rune who was sulking for a hug.

Camy and Ceci wanted to hug their brother but decided against it because he made them cry today. Seeing the expressions of his daughters Mr. Taylor gloated in the misfortune of his while showing him a provocative smile. Both the Young misses were oblivious to the conversation going between father and son while Mrs. Taylors had a faint smile on her face. The family of five enjoyed a merry meal for several years.

After dinner, Mr. Taylor had a pleasant chat with his precious daughter, so he asked them to follow him and soon they arrived in the living room. Rune was excited to meet his little sweeties, so he also joined them. He totally ignored his father's death glare and went to sit in between Camy and Ceci. Mrs. Taylor too joined them and asked a maid to bring some fruits and milk for supper.

"My darling sweeties, please forgive your big brother. You both know that he hates your tears and never made you cry. He never thought you will get a scare.", Mrs. Taylor said sweetly to both his daughters. Ceci and Camy were both unwilling to forgive their brother but after listening to their mother and seeing their brother's apologetic face, they forgave him They too missed their big brother way too much. For the last 8 years, they have never come back to their house. Often their parents used to come and meet them in a hostel but they hardly saw their brother so they missed him dearly and could not be angry with them.

"Okay big brother. Since I missed you too much, I forgive you, but you know that you still owe us a gift for forgiving you. Don't we? " and with that Ceci hugged him and clung onto his arm

"Me too big brother "and with that Camy too hugged him and clung to his other arm. Runes also became thrilled and felt blissful after many years. To him, his sweeties were like his daughters. He felt nothing towards anyone except his sisters. No honor, no recognition made him so happy as he was feeling this time. Witnessing the scene Mrs. Taylors eyes became wet, and she too felt happy.

"Father you wanted to say something to us, tell us" this time Camy spoke.

"Yes, yes there is one important thing that I want to tell everyone present here. There is one thing that you all should know. I haven't told you earlier because I didn't want to pressurize you but now since you both have become young ladies so there is something which you ought to know."

Listening to their father made not only Camy and Ceci restless but also Runes. He could sense the flow of conversation and did not like it a bit. He wanted to say something but after seeing his father's expression he closed his mouth. Eventually, he needs to accept that his sweeties have now grown up and will marry one day. However, he couldn't bear sending his sweeties in the care of another man. Although it extremely troubled him inside, he maintained a calm facade and held the hands of both of his sisters to calm them down.

After calming down themselves both of them looked at their father for continuation. "You both know about the ex-Lord of Reinstle empire Lord Eric Evans. When both of you were in your mother's womb, we got to know that we will expect a girl in our house and then lord Eric suggested a betrothal proposal to us. Although it was a proposal, you both know that we can't decline a royal proposal. Lord Eric betrothed the girl in your mother's womb to Vladis, serving as knight commander to present lord, Arthur. The present lord and Arthur are of the same age and have a great friendship despite the servant-master relationship. Soon the unfortunate events occurred in the empire and during that period ex-lord, Elric died. Although the royal proposal still holds but we are not sure between two of you who is betrothed to him ", Mr. Taylor said.
