Old Friend- 2

Camy and Ceci stared at their hands. They both did not know what to say or where to see. It was like they were stuck with Vladis in a tiny space. Sensing their uncomfortableness Vladis initiated a conversation.

"Lady Ceci and Lady Camy look over their " Vladis spoke. As soon as Vladis spoke they both jolted their head in the direction where Vladis was pointing. They both stood up and went near the end of the boat and gripped the railings. The boat was not a tiny one but since they were traveling with the Knight commander of Reinstle empire they both felt burdened in a tiny place.

Now their attention was on the scene in front of them. There they saw several beautiful tiny birds with a lot of furs and long-tail birds diving inside the lake and then coming outside. When they were coming out of the water their beautiful feathers were shining under the sun.

It made them look magical.

Since they were standing on the edge of the boat it splashed some water droplets on their faces and some on their hair. The view amazed them, making them unaware of themselves, not even minding about the water droplets, but this scene made someone else uncomfortable. Vladis had pointed towards the birds to distract them, but he never imagined witnessing such a scene

In front of him, two breathtaking ladies were staring at some tiny birds. Camy had a thin and a tall figure with a fair complexion. In the white straight long dress, which she was wearing made her look like a white daisy. Beautiful and soft. Her open hairs were swaying against wind and covering some part of her and it made her look like a naïve but seductive young lady.

On the other hand, Camy had a curvier and taller figure. She had an ideal figure with no fat but extreme suppleness. She was wearing a white chiffon dress which was rather conservative and gave a scholar look, but her curves gave a sexy appeal. Her long curly hairs were also swaying in the air but unlike Ceci, you could see her entire face. The water droplets on her face glowed under the sunlight making her look damn too hot. She was like a rose with dew on it.

Vladis had seen many beautiful ladies with their unique charm, but none caught his attention. Just like Arthur, he too used to hate women who were crafty and had low morals. Ambition was a wonderful trait. Everyone should have some but greed was different. It makes you go astray. So, until today, he saw every woman just like birds inside a cage. They were beautiful but always wanted to go after something which they can never win and in the end, all of them met with the same fate, death.

But today these two women were wearing a simple white dress. Although they were not cheap, it was not a grand one either. They were Taylor's daughters and everyone in the empire knew that he dotes on his daughters so of course, their dress was not cheap.

The ladies had an excellent taste, despite knowing that it was a date they were not pretentious rather were straightforward. He liked their courage and naivety at the same time. In his mind, he had decided that this time he won't lose them again.

"yes, I will not lose my friends", he vowed.

Inside his head, he had already made his choice between two of them and decided to bend all his ways to win her heart. He wasn't Arthur. He knew what women he liked and what were the things he should do to impress her woman.

Despite knowing all these he had to give his best shot so he could win her this time and about the other lady, he knew very well that she belonged to someone else. Even if he had fallen for her, he could not fight with that man, and besides, he had always seen the girl as his little sister. So he settled everything inside his mind.

"Finally found my peace". Vladis murmured and became lost in his thoughts.

The boat was coming near the shore where they hopped on the ferry. Camy and Ceci were reluctant to end the ride, but they knew that it would be rude to ask for another ride. They were not kidding anymore and can't make a fool of themselves. Besides, it will leave a poor impression of Taylor's family. They both secretly made a scheme to look for their big brother Rune convincing him to take them for a ride. Vladis saw their interaction and his lips curved in a smile.

Soon the boat stopped beside a tree fully bloomed with pink flowers.

The first one to come down from the boat was Vladis, and he gave his hands to Ceci so she could easily come down. Ceci accepted his hand and came down swiftly with red cheeks. Similarly, he gave his hand to Camy too, which she accepted and tried to come down.

She almost landed on the ground when suddenly the water currents of the lake hit the boat and the boat dis-balanced a little which resulted in slipping of Camy's foot but before she could have an embarrassing fall Vladis swiftly caught her wrist and pulled her towards his chest. Their faces were only a centimeter apart, and it intermixed their breath with each other.

This made Camy flushed red. She did not know where to put her hands on because if she wanted to stand up properly, she had to place her hands on his shoulder and this realization made her pink till her ears. Vladis had a sly smile on his face and he whispered something inside Camy's ears and this made Camy further embarrassed. Vladis had enough fun and seeing her red in his embrace made his day, so he decided to spare her and helped her to stand up.

Ceci was so shocked to see Camy falling that she had a blackout for a moment, and when she regained her senses, she saw Camy standing on her feet perfectly with a red face. She went to her, put her hand on her cheek, and asked, "what happened? Are you okay Camy and why is your face so red? Are you having a fever, but your temperature seems normal?"

Ceci became confused about Camy's weird behavior. Camy was a talkative girl not shy but here she was behaving like a timid girl.

"I am all right. Vladis helped me when my foot slipped, so I am okay"

Ceci took Camy'ss hands and marched towards him. Bowing down in courtesy and she said, 'thanks for your help Vladis" with that Camy too bowed and then they both stood up.

"It's fine Ceci after all helping young and beautiful ladies is my honor not to forget we are friends. To be honest, we are 'old friends! Camy and Ceci"

The sentence made Camy and Ceci confused but they didn't ask further questions. Asking further may seem rude so they keep quiet. Vladis had some important work so he bid farewell to them and went ahead with his work. He also apologized to them for not treating them to lunch due to his urgent work.

Camy and Ceci were secretly happy that he was going. His charms made them look like a fool and they also behaved like one in front of him, so his work saved them from any future embarrassment. With that, both sisters went shopping and lunch in the local market.

It was evening when they reached home. As soon as they reached home Mrs. Taylor fired several questions to them regarding their meeting with Vladis which made them uncomfortable so they went inside their rooms for a break because they knew that later in the night same questions would be asked by their father and big brother so they decided to only answer all of them at once. So they dozed off in their rooms.