Big brother 2

On the other side of the forest, a little girl with straight and silky hair was running with all her might with tears rolling down her cheeks.


Two people collided and groaned.

Little Arthur saw a girl crouching beside him who was crying. "Hey, little sweetie. What are you doing in the forest? Don't you fear wild animals?" He asked lazily.

The little girl started frowning and shot a glare at the boy.

"Hey, pretty one care to tell me why you are alone here?"

The little girl was a tough nut to crack. She did not say a word and just kept her mouth shut. She was trying her best not to cry. Arthur felt sympathetic toward the little girl. He wanted to help her but she didn't ask for any help so his hands were tied.

"Hey lovely miss if you are okay then I am leaving," he said.

The little girl was anxious and didn't want to be left alone in this jungle. She also wanted to find her sister too. After thinking about her pretty little camy her eyes went blurry.

"No, please don't go. Can you help me? I came with my sister but now I am separated from her" she said hoarsely barely containing her tears.

Her big brother had said that brave people never cry no matter the situation they are in thus she gritted her teeth and pleaded to him for help. He was pleased when she asked for help. He turned toward her but when he saw her pretty little face, it amazed him. She was looking so cute with a ponytail, some stray hairs coming out from her head that was glued to her face enhanced her beauty.

"Okay little girl. I will help you but first, tell me who you are? How come you are here?"

"I am Cecilia Taylor, daughter of Mr. Brian Taylor and everyone calls me Ceci" and with that, she explained the whole ordeal which she and her sister suffered.

"Okay so you are Cecilia. May I call you Ceci?" he asked smilingly.

"Yeah sure" she replied sheepishly but suddenly groaned in pain.

"What happened? Are you hurt anywhere?" with that he examined her and soon his sight went to her leg which was swollen."Oh dear your leg is swollen. What do we do now? How will you walk now?" he said slyly with a smile.

It was a creepy smile.

It gave goosebumps to her but when the pain shot up she cried in distress. Seeing her cry made Arthur sad for some reason thus he offered his help to her. "Okay, we can do one thing. You hop on my back and I will carry you and we both will find your sister. Is it okay?"

"No" she shook her head repeatedly.

He frowned after hearing her denial and became upset. This little girl did not know how many girls would die for this opportunity to ride on crown prince back and here he was giving such a privilege to her and she denied it. Sigh! Such a pity.

"Why? "he finally asked.

"Big brother Rune told me to touch no other man except him and father" she timidly replied.

"Hey Ceci I don't have much patience and if you want my help then hop on my back. It would be best if you can walk by yourself. It's not like I love carrying people on my back and don't forget about your sister Camy. The beast is still there and we need to find her before the beast finds her." He scoffed and waited for her answer.

Little Cici bit her lips and finally conceded to his request and hopped on his back.

"Hey, what is your name?" Little Ceci asked.

"You can call me big brother," Little Arthur told her.

The girl was reluctant to call him big brother but since he had not told her any other name she had to call him by this name only.

"Hey, are you powerful? What if the beast finds us before we can save Camy" the little girl asked worriedly?

"Don't worry. He won't be able to harm you. I promise on my life." Arthur seriously replied.

Little Ceci believed in him and kept her mouth shut all the way. She did not find this man likable at all. She found him arrogant but internally she was thankful to him for helping her. With that, they roamed for an hour inside the forest.

Little Arthur had a serious expression on his face and he was extremely focused in case any emergency occurred.