Twin Puppy -1

"Big brother are you okay?" As soon as the barrier vanished Camy excitedly came forward and worriedly glanced at Vladis.

"I am okay Camy'" Vladis calmed her with his calming smile.

Then she worriedly glanced at Arthur as if to speak something but didn't know what to say. As if sensing Camy's gaze he looked at her and smiled cheerfully at her.

"I am okay pretty girl. No need to get distressed" and with that. He glanced toward Ceci as if to mock her.

See your sister also know how to be thankful but you are a total forgetful brat.

He disdained Ceci.

After sensing his mocking gaze she also snorted in disdain. In her mind, she screamed, 'I don't understand why should I ask when she already did? Idiot.'

"Let's go otherwise it will be dark soon and then it won't be safe" Vladis suggested.

Ceci and Arthur nodded in agreement but Camy frantically shook her head." No sis, big brothers, we can't go. We still haven't found the wild puppy that we would give Big brother Rune" Camy said with a frown on her face.

After listening to Camy Ceci became conflicted and started frowning. Arthur and Vladis wanted to leave this forest as soon as they could but they couldn't leave these two girls alone in the forest either. After considering they both decided to help them and then leave this forest.

"Okay. We will help you" Vladis said calmly and Arthur too nodded his head in agreement.

They searched for the next one hour and finally found an injured pair of wild puppies. The puppies were very cute in appearance. One of them was black and the other one was gay. Camy and Ceci were excited to see them however, the expression of both the boys was somber. With one glance they knew that they were no ordinary dogs. They were heavenly beasts who were just born but seeing the happiness and contend smiles of both the girls they didn't have the heart to tell them the truth not to forget that just now they all were being hunted by the heavenly beast.

"Big brother Vladis is injured. How can he walk like this?" Camy whined to Vladis.

Ceci too looked troubled and cast a helpless glance toward Arthur. Seeing Ceci like this made him sad so he decided to help her.

"Sweeties don't worry. This big brother of yours will help you" Vladis spoke pointing his finger toward Arthur with a placid smile. Arthur too smiled lazily and with that, he chanted a foreign spell with his palms joined and cast a healing spell on both the puppies. The puppies regained their strength and became vigilant in an instant in fear of danger.

Vladis quickly went to them and patted their heads as if to console them and make them familiar, but he was casting a familiarity spell on them so they could recognize Camy and Ceci as his master. After he removed his hand from their head both the puppies happily went to Camy and Ceci and lovingly rubbed their heads on their legs. Camy and Ceci too patted their heads and smiled.

"Now let us leave," Arthur said.

Vladis crouched down on land and gently asked Camy to hop on his back. Although she wasn't injured she still happily climbed on Vladis' back because she felt safe around him. "Big brother you need to give me 1,2 no, no 10 packets of candy"




"You promise me" She whined.

Vladis chuckled.

You sure have a sweet tooth. Your teeth will be rotten if you will eat so many sweets. Vladis commented with a slight smile.