Royal seal

Camy and Ceci didn't have an option. It was one of the most beautiful festivals held in their empire and it was a wish of every girl to attend it and they both also naturally wanted to attend it.

"Fate is not on our side!" Ceci sighed loudly.

"What if we tell you there is a way that both of you can attend the spring festival. Will you both be going then?" Mr Taylor asked.

Camy and Ceci both eyed their parents suspiciously, but the temptations were great then suspicion so they both nodded their heads like a duck with a smile on their face.

"Both of you, AHH I am blinded by your flashy smiles." Mr. Taylor acted dramatically.

Seeing the scene Camy, Ceci, and Mrs. Taylor couldn't control their laughter and started giggling. After everyone recovered from their giggles, Mr Taylor finally revealed the way through which both of them can attend the festival.

"Well, it's like this. I have an urgent mission to complete and your mother has also attended these festivals too many times, so she won't be going. We both knew that you wanted to attend the festival, but I couldn't do anything thus we both were upset. Surprisingly, yesterday Knight Vladis had sent us a letter with the royal seal. In the letter he gave us, he asks for our permission to take both of you to the Annual Spring Festival. We haven't given him an answer yet because we first wanted to discuss it with both of you. So, tell us, what are your opinions? Do you or do you not want to go?" Mr Taylor asked gently as he calmly sipped his tea as if he hadn't seen the troubled expressions on his daughter's face.

"Father isn't the rule states that one man can only take one woman with him?" Camy asked hesitatingly?

"Yes, it is one of the rules of the festival", Brian said.

"Then I don't want to go. Sis, it's better if you attend the festival with him", Ceci said smilingly trying to hide her sadness.

Seeing Ceci's expression Camy resolutely refused to go. "No, I won't go without you. Either both of us will go or we can just stay home all day and have a good time with mother".

Seeing both of her daughters behaving this way brought tears to Mrs Taylor's eyes. "It's okay, don't tease them more Brian," Mrs. Taylor said with sweetness.

"Okay, okay dear. Well, haven't I said that the letter has a royal seal? Why do you think a letter will have a royal seal?" Mr Taylor said with a teasing smile.

Camy and Ceci were confused as hell.

"Well, it is that the Lord has approved Knight Vladis request to bring both of you together with him to the spring festival."

Both the sisters were instantly stunned after hearing this. Camy's mind was filled with images of Vladis whereas Ceci was really grateful to Vladis.

"So, what should I reply? "Mr. Taylor asked.

"Say yes father. We want to attend the festival", Ceci said excitedly.

"What about you Camy?" Mr. Taylor asked.

Camy too nodded her head in acknowledgment.

Days passed and soon it was the day of the spring festival.........