sweet nothings

Rune was very much entertained after seeing Resel however his expression became somber afterward. He had been searching for information on blue crystal for a long now and had visited here in hopes to find something but even after searching the whole night, he still couldn't find anything. He had a hunch therefore he came to this library, after all this was the oldest library in the whole empire but searching for a book in this huge library with thousands of books was like finding a needle in the hay. He was frustrated but he can't give up. It concerned his sweeties and there was no way he would back down, so he gathered himself and decided to rent a room here to continue his search.

With long strides, he strode in the direction of the main desk and applied for a rental room. As he was filling his rental form, he saw an old man with Resel. The man was bald and fat but and had a caring expression. He was far so Rune didn't hear them but from their expression, it seemed like the man was reprimanding her but not too strictly. He lectured her for some more time and then left.

Rune calmly looked away and submitted his application. After finishing, he slowly walked in her direction. Resel was still pouting her cherry-colored lips when someone softly grabbed her wrist and dragged her toward a secluded area inside a library. Before she could shout, her mouth was covered with a hand.

She became terrified and in instant, she was pushed on the wall behind her. Her doe-like eyes widened when she saw the man who dragged her. She didn't know why but her cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

"Shh, I am sorry for dragging you like this but I have a request from you. Can you promise not to shriek or scream after I remove my hand?" Rune asked in a deep but low volume.

They were only inches apart and she could feel his hot breath on her face when he spoke.

She dumbly nodded her head in surrender.

Rune backed away some steps '"I am extremely sorry for this indecent behavior but I am on a mission so my identity needs to be kept secret so I hope you won't tell anyone" he politely replied.

Resel was thrilled to hear two consecutive apologies and that too from the same man. She wanted to tell him that she didn't mind this, not a bit but then changed her mind. It would be indecent if she told this to him as no matter how good looking he was, he was still a stranger to her.

"So why did you disclosed your identity to me?" She asked suspiciously.

"Because you look innocent and didn't feel suspicious. It didn't look like you would wrong anyone visiting your library", he casually said but only he knew what blabber he was speaking. What simple-minded? He just told his identity when he was dazed so he needed to rectify his mistake now. And he felt like this was the best way to solve the issue.

In his heart, he was very happy and thanked his sweeties several times. After all, every woman was the same and would be appeased by sweet nothings.

Resel blushed when she heard his reason and once again didn't knew what to say or how to react so she hung her head low in embarrassment.