
Next morning, Rune was ready with Resel to visit the lord and Vladis. Rune had a calm expression all the time, but he was actually restless inside because he didn't know what he was going to find out, but he had determined that whatever happens, he will protect his sweeties even at the cost of his life.

Arthur was in the study when he called Vladis and ordered, "Vladis, you go to Taylor's mansion and visit the Central Library."

"Are you not coming with us?", Vladis asked politely, dropping his informal tone since Arthur seemed serious.

"No. It seems that the Council can't handle the distance from me."

Vladis chuckled from his humor. Arthur continued and informed, " I will reach there later. You all proceed with the investigation."

"Yes, my lord", Vladis said and turned to leave.

"Vladis, since you are going to Taylor's mansion make sure to check on the guards."

Vladis wanted to tease him for his protectiveness for Cecil but considering the seriousness of the matter, he dropped that thought and nodded in response, and left.

Arthur didn't want to rely on Rune for this matter because he might not be able to keep a check on his emotions when his sweeties are involved. Though he trusts Vladis, he can't say the same about Rune. But he knew that Rune could go to any limits for his sweeties. With that thought, he left this matter and asked the butler to arrange the carriage for him.

Arthur was on his way to the council when he suddenly felt some change in the air. Sensing that it was the messager bird, he asked the coachman to stop. He recited the spell to connect with the messenger. Soon a bird came into existence having the only outline of smoke. It was Morse who was trying to connect with him. Morse quickly gave him the message.

Arthur's expression changed immediately, and he asked the coachman to turn the carriage around. His eyes were furious and had the thirst for blood. His face and demeanor were calm but the air around him suddenly dropped giving chills to even coachman. Sensing the urgency, he subconsciously increased the speed.

Meanwhile in the Taylor's Mansion

Vladis, after having a check on the guards appointed for Camy and Cecil's protection, was going towards the carriage in which Rune and Resel were waiting for him when suddenly somebody called his name.

Vladis turned around and saw that it was Camy who called and was running to him, he immediately had a bright smile on his face. Camy was panting when she asked him, "Hi. If you don't mind, can you give me a ride to the market on the way? I need to buy something".

Vladis smiled politely and said, "Sure. It would be my pleasure".

Vladis moved aside to let Camy enter the carriage first. When Camy entered she found that Rune and Resel were also there. She was confused as to why Resel and Rune were in Vladis's carriage.

Rune also had the same expression and asked, "Camy, what are you doing here?".

"I wanted to go to the market to buy some personal stuff, so I asked Vladis to give me a ride. What are you doing here brother?".

Vladis then entered and settled beside Camy facing Resel and diagonal to Rune. Rune, first looked at Vladis and then Camy as he answered, "Well, I and Resel were going to the Central Library. My carriage's wheel broke down, and since Vladis was also heading there so we are going together".

"OH...I see".

The journey was a silent one when suddenly Vladis sensed a message spell. He knew with the level of spell that it was Arthur. When Vladis received the message, it was already late because from the front they were attacked by the local thugs.

Vladis ordered, "Take another road from the forest."

Resel and Camy were clueless and confused but Rune heard some noises, and his warrior instinct was ignited, so he guessed the danger lurking around them.

Vladis informed, "Don't make any sound and do not panic. There are some local thugs who might be attacking us for robbery. Stay calm and don't act recklessly". Vladis then nodded at Rune as if saying you be prepared.

Though he didn't mention anyone's name, it was obvious that he was talking to both the girls. Resel was a bit confused but Camy, being a martial artist, was not nervous from inside.

She was even more excited than both of them