Bad News

"Ah! Vladis. Don't disgrace me in front of a lady. You all can head back since there is nothing you can do even after staying." Lyn said as a matter of fact.

"He is right. If we remain here, it will only build suspicion," Arthur replied and left. Vladis followed his cue.

Now only Resel and Rune remained since Lyn went inside the room. She came close to Rune. She wanted to say something, but before she could open her mouth to say anything, she was dragged in his embrace as he hugged her tightly. Resel didn't know how to react.

She felt congested, and a little painful since Rune was crushing her inside his embrace, but she bore it. No matter how strong he was, he was bound to have some sore points, and Camy was one of them.

She found it hard to accept the reality, not to say that he was her brother. He would be the one who would be shouldering all the blame while suffering in silence. She raised her hands and hugged him back as she lightly patted his head. "It will be okay. Worry not. Camy isn't a weakling but your sister. She is a girl that is full of energy, and I bet she will fight and win against the poison in no time," She whispered slowly to soothe his worries.

It worked like magic on Rune. His grip on her loosened, but he still didn't let go of her.

They both hugged each other for a very long time. Since it was turning dark, Rune headed back with Resel. It was hard, but he needs to break this news to his family. Even if he wanted, he could not hide this from his family.


At Taylor's mansion.

"Big brother, you came back," Ciel chirped like a happy bird.

"You know Camy has disappeared somewhere. The last time I saw her, she said she was going to market, but then she didn't come back. It's too late now. I am afraid she is in some perilous situation. Mother is worried too."

Resel was behind the Rune when Camy said this. She couldn't bear it, so she excused herself.

"I am sorry, but I am not feeling well" She dashed straight to her room.


Ciel found it odd, but she didn't bother.

"Big brother, I am worried about her" She was genuinely concerned.

Rune raised his hand to pat Ciel as he asked, "Ask mother and father to gather. I have a piece of urgent news to make."

Although Ciel was reluctant, she still went inside to call her father and mother.

Soon Taylor's family gathered inside the main hall.

"Is something the matter? You generally don't call us like this," Mrs. Taylor asked worriedly.

Mr. Taylor didn't say anything, but he was waiting for Rune to say something.

Rune took a deep breath, "Camy is injured. On the way back, she was poisoned, and now she is in a coma in Royal infirmary."


Everyone's expression shifted from blankness to shock.

"WHAT?" Ciel shouted.

She panicked as she held Runes' hand tightly, demanding an explanation. "How come? Didn't she just go to the market? Then how come all this happened? Big brother, answer me!"


Mrs. Taylor, on the other hand, fainted when she heard about Camy.

Mr. Taylor quickly held Mrs. Taylor, "Dear. What happened to you?" Mr. Taylor panicked.

Rune was tense. First, it was Camy, and now mother fainted. He quickly carried his mother and started walking towards his parent's bedroom. "We need to put mom in her bed. She might wear herself out like this."

Everyone followed suit.

Soon she regained consciousness and found herself on the bed. Ciel was sitting closely on her side while Mr. Taylor and Rune were sitting on the couch. Their expression tensed.

"Mother, are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"How can I be okay when my child is in an unsafe condition? I want to see her." She removed the blanket and went down from the bed, but Rune came and stopped her tries. "No, Mom. You are weak."

"So what, I am weak. My child needs me, and I will go. Tell me Rune what exactly happened. How come she got injured?"

Everyone was curious to know.

"In the morning, me, Resel, and Knight Vladis were heading out for the council work, but Camy stopped us saying she wanted a ride with us. She asked us to drop her on the way. Since the way was the same, I allowed her, but midway, Knight Vladis asked to take a shorter route which consisted of the forest. He didn't want us to be seen. On the way, several Thugs attacked us. We tried our best to fight with them and would have been successful if not for Camy. She quickly jumped between a battle and started slaughtering them like animals. However, after she was done, one of the animals charged her from the shadows and bit her. It was too late for her as well as for us when we saw it. She had already smashed that animal, but he fled. Needless to say that the animal was poisonous."

"I assume that the animal would have been a pet of those Thugs; otherwise, I don't see any reason for it to attack Camy. We quickly rushed to the Royal infirmary and got her treated; however, the Royal physician said it was too late. He managed to cue her, and she is now out of danger but in a Comatose state. He said that her body is resisting the poison. Thus, she isn't waking up."

When Rune finished, Mr. Taylor completely broke down as well as Ciel, but she tried comforting her mother.

As for Mr. Taylor, his expressions were glum. The pain was evident in his eyes.


He left the room, and Rune followed his suit, but he saw that his father had locked himself in the guestroom.

Rune knew that everyone was sad, and so was he.

"Don't worry, Camy is a strong girl. I believe she will wake up soon" A soft voice floated in Rune's spear.

Rune's expression didn't change. "You think so."

"Yes, I do," she replied.

They both fell quiet.

Rese didn't know what to say, and Rune didn't initiate.

A long time passed, but no one said anything. It was awkward for Resel since they were standing in between the corridor. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. "I think you should take some rest since it was an exhausting day for you. Emotionally as well as physically."

She left after giving her advice.

Rune followed after her and went back to his room. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep, but there was nothing he could do in this matter.