
She mustered her courage and finally hugged him back. She was at loss at what else to do so while she hugged him, she started stroking his back. Ever so softly. Arthur was stunned when he felt a tiny hand stroking his muscular back, nevertheless, he was touched.

Arthur let Ciel sit next to him after releasing his grip on her.

"By the way, what's the matter? "What were you doing out here by yourself?"

He found her sitting here emanating sad and lonely vibes when he came here.

Ciel remained silent.

However, Arthur understood her concerns. Why else would she be upset if not because of Camy, her dear sister? Arthur knew no amount of persuasion will help her cheer up, but he still needs to try. He softly held Ciel's hand and stood up.

Ciel looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Don't be concerned; just follow me." He began walking with her hand in his. Ciel reluctantly agreed to join him.