Clingy master

The questions he posed were hard to answer. It would be a lie if he said he was not fazed but this was it. He had already exchanged his gift for her, and if given another chance, he would still do the same. 

"The power of love brings hope, yet at times the steps toward love cause pain, and those towards a life of loneliness are comfortable in their familiarity. We are born to love and with all necessary courage to walk the path to it, no matter the roughness, no matter the hardship Lucas."

"I will walk down any path if she is with me. I will accept any consequences if I have her in my heart. As for fear, I never feared anything because, in this world, anything can disappear but not love. With everything I have, I dare to gamble everything for her, you know why?"

Lucas expression was incredulous. Being asked so suddenly caught him off guard, he shook his head in denial.