
"Arthur turned around. I will watch your back" As always, Vladis was there to watch his back. With trepidation in his heart, he turned around only to find a woman whose face was smeared with blood. Two pointy teeth shined as the moonlight fell on her. Her white gown fluttered with the wind, painted crimson, just like Vladis. 

Was this fate?

He wondered.

Adriana whistled in delight.


"Our little vamp is here."

Hugo and Hector stopped their assault and gazed at the little figure, who came out from the darkness.

"Camila" Hector whispered slowly.

"Ah! The little bitch is here" Hugo said with a crafty smile but was immediately punched by Vladis. His nose started bleeding with the impact.

"What the…"

"you..." He stopped when he saw Adriana's glare.