Night at the Castle

Ciel excused herself while the other two women followed the same cue and left the hall. As they were exiting, three of them had to cross the same corridor. It was turning awkward for Ciel. Since they all ate together, they should at least smile in courtesy at each other, but they both ignored her. As if she wasn't there. 

"My name is Vlasella, and I am Lord Sian's fiancé. It was nice to meet you miss Ciel" a sweet voice echoed. Ciel was surprised when she saw Vlasella standing in front of her with her dainty hand outstretched. 

Not wanting to seem rude, she gently shook her hand as she replied back. "Pleasure was all mine."

"It was nice to meet you too, Miss Crystal '' Vlasella did the same with Crystal, but the lady looked at her apathetically. Although she shook her hand, she gave cold vibes. Without any introduction she just nodded at her, picking her pace, and left the corridor.