Jab in his heart

Inside a luxurious hall, a woman was embraced tightly by a man. Half-naked, the man held a cigar on lips, while his left hand was stroking the hair of beauty sitting on his laps. Even though her clothes were loose, revealing a large portion of her milky skin, still the man wasn't interested in her.  Pouting her lips, she snatched his cigar.

"Your majesty, why are you dazed?" She grumbled.


"I am not dazed, I was just pondering over something?"

"And what that may be?" she asked without any hesitation.

The man shifted comfortably on his bed with her, "Arthur."

"Lord Arthur?"


Tipping her chin up, she glanced at him with her doe-like eyes as she asked. "What about Lord Arthur?"

"He.... I am starting to doubt, he came here for another purpose, Vlasella."