oncoming death-1

Rune and Elios left. Since it has been too long since she last saw her brother, she went back with Rune. Arthur wasn't happy about it, but he had no reasons to stop her. 


"How is Resel?" Rune, who was quiet, asked suddenly. Ciel was startled. It has been some time since she last saw her. She was planning to meet her, but things came, one after another leading to a delay from her side.

"Uh… Last I knew she was researching with Doc Lyn. She was also heavily injured during the attack however, Doc Lyn told us that she is better. I was going to meet her but for some reason couldn't."

"It's Okay. Since we are already here, let's pay her a visit" Rune suggested to which she nodded her head eagerly.

Knock Knock!

"Who is it?" The door was opened from inside as a soft voice floated. 

"Rune, Ciel" Resel was pleasantly surprised to see them standing there. 

"Don't just stand outside, come in".

"Hello Resel"
