Long time no see

Arthur had been careful earlier when he killed Dennis. Shoving his body under the desk, it made it impossible for anyone to see. You could only tell something happened here if you had a strong nose to detect blood. And luckily, most of the blood was just spilled on Dennis' own body.

Luck you say, skill would suit here.

"Oh yes. He stood up and waltzed to her. Grabbing her by the waist, he started dancing with her as his flirting continued, making the little maid all flustered.

"Lord." She choked in fear.

"What is it darling?"

"You, you need to tell me that Lord. What is it?"

"Don't mind me. I was just bored so I wanted company for the night. Was just the feeling of chatting with someone and you just came to my mind."


"So, tell me, did you sign up to be a maid in the castle for yourself? I just discovered that I know nothing about you, so care to fill me in"