Visit from stranger

Since it wasn't working, once again Severus asked them to let it go.

"But this thing is too dangerous Severus"

"That is why I want you to let it go" Severus rebuked Desella in all seriousness. This was no child game; he had underestimated his power. Now was the time to be serious.

He again gave his blood to his own sword. Closing his eyes, he slowly chanted. "I call upon the dark power residing inside the blade. I offer you the blood, which you so desired, the one filled with pure evil, the very taste that you thirst for. I call upon you"

As soon as he said, the aura inside the room changed. It wasn't that the room didn't have an aura. It had and it was dangerous, but this was something. The aura that the sword was radiating was now pure evil that turned everyone's blood cold. Even the hybrid monster was affected by it.