3 days before


"I am bored, Camy. Talk to me please"


"What is happening with you and Vladis?"

"Why did he turn his back to Arthur?"

"Did they do anything to you?"

No matter how many times she asked, she always met with silence. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. It had been days but there was no news of Arthur. She felt heartbroken but wailing would do no good. She wondered if her brother knew that she was kidnapped.

She hopes he didn't know or else he might break. 

What should she do?

Give up?

This was so not like her. It had been days since those three loyal dogs of Vladella left. There were just three of them and Vladis, who was equivalent to air, in the shady house. Vladella was a busy woman. Most of the time she was either out or in her study, cooking some devious schemes.