Tale of past-1

  Vladella and holographic Vlasella were the only ones left in the room after Valdis left. Vlasella wanted to test the sincerity of this mother-son duo bond, thus she asked doubtfully to her, "Do you trust him?"

Vladella scoffed. Her eyes turned cold and determined, filled with revenge. "I will help my son turn vicious, cold, and indifferent." She looked at her twin sister with the same cruelty. 

  "What do you think?"

Vlasella smiled lightly and said, "I am your twin. That's why I know you will never give up on your purpose. Was just confirming it"

"That's right sister"




"I am indeed using him to get my revenge. I don't care a bit about his feelings as soon his stupid love will wither away. He will see through it, that feelings and love are useless in life."

"Camy can die by all means without my care but her being alive is more beneficial for us"

"Is that so?" Vlasella smirked.