Welcome to the show

I wake up somewhere I'm not familiar with,where am I? I look around to see myself strapped to a chair in front of a stage. I look around..


I see Michael next to me,still asleep...

His eyes open. "WHAT THE FUCK-" "Michael keep it down.!!" I whisper yell. He looked at me in distress. "Y/N,where the hell are we??" He asks. "I don't know,but wherever we are it's now anywhere close to the hotel."

I hear footsteps,they were loud and sounded like they had rubber soles. I can't see who it was,it was too dark. The figure had rabbit ears but a human physique.

The figure grabs my face gently with Its hands.

"Looks like you're awake...


the figure giggles and the lights turn on. The figure was female and had rainbow hair.Michaels eyes widen in fear and shock. "Who are you?" I ask angrily. "You don't recognize me? That's quite a shocker,I'm sure you'll recognize me if I do this though."

The girl takes off the rabbit mask to reveal a face that was all too familiar. Tears form in my eyes. "Vanny..?" I ask. "What are you doing here? I need to help you,and where are we-" Vanny puts a finger on my lips.

"Shh,the show is going to start soon,try not to scream or run away... ok?" She asks me with a smile spread across her face as she puts the rabbit mask back on and walks away. "Y/N that was...the woman I saw at the pizzaria,this is bad news,we need to leave." Michael said,fear in his voice.

I stay silent.

I don't want to think right now. I want to go home. It smells bad,like blood,but also of cinnamon and sugar. Why is it cold in here? There's a stage,but why? Vanny was here wearing a mask,but..


I was thinking too much right now and it was hurting my head. I didn't want to have to process all of this right now. I'm too tired I just want to leave. This might all just be a bad dream right???

Music turns on and so do the lights behind us,I see a prize counter and another stage but smaller,what on earth was happening? I look around,Michael looks terrified. "I think I know where we are now,y/n.." he says. "And it's not good at all.." I look over to him but decide not to say anything.

The stage lights turn on in their purple hue,and I hear mischievous snickering from behind the curtains. Then,the carousel music stops.

The curtains open.


Vanny's voice says as the curtains open,and a music box type tune starts to play. The curtains reveal a...bunny? It has to be someone in a bunny suit certainly,this isn't some sort of fairy tale. Michael looked horrified. He was shaking and crying,I've never seen him like that before.

Vanny goes up on stage,and stands next to the yellow rabbit. "No..." Michael says softly.










He wasn't making that awful crying noise,he was just letting tears fall as he shakes back and forth,rocking in his chair. "Why don't you join me,Michael?" The rabbit asks,a permanent smile on his face. "Or did I forget..the answer is no,isn't it?" He laughs. Vanny laughs too. I can't believe this at all..it isn't real. It can't be.

Other women and men in masks join on the stage,each with different designs of the same animals face.

"Shall we dance?" Vanny asks,holding a hand out to the yellow rabbit. "Of course,dear." He says. The music gets louder.. it hurts my head. I want to go home to my mother and father.. to august and Mary. They begin to dance in a classical style,the other followers dancing around them. My head felt fuzzy,and my eyes close.

,michaels point of view:

I look over to y/n,her eyes closed. This can't be real,of all people..why is he here? Why does it have to turn out like this? I let out a loud scream,holding my head,rocking back and forth,but they all continue to dance. My head began to ache,and I fell asleep.

Skip,back you your point of view.

I wake up in a bed next to someone,it was vanny,I back away from her. I can't be near her. She's too dangerous. I hear rustling from the bed as she gets up and looks at me. "Fufu..." she laughs menacingly and walks towards me,there's no where else to move,nothing to do mug close my eyes and hope nothing happens.

"Darling..." she says,cupping my face with her hands. She moves closer and our lips lock together. Her eyes close,and I do as well,I can't believe I'm doing this. I feel like I can't refuse. I can't refuse. She releases and envelopes me in a hug,stroking my head. "I won't let anything bad happen to you...we won't let anything bad happen to you." She whispers into my ear. "It's safer here,Michael is safe as well.. all we want is to rid the world of meaningless creatures.."

I cry. I don't want to accept her offer,but I cant say no. I'm scared what will happen if I do.

I nod slightly,tears falling from my face. Vanny wipes them away and kisses me again,more passionately this time.

Michaels pov:

I wake up in a bed,I don't recognize it. I try to hide under the covers,worried that something might come after me. "Michael~" someone says in a sing song voice,a familiar one.

"Don't be scared,don't you trust me?" The voice asks. I don't trust whoever this man is.

Someone pulls the covers off of me. My eyes widen,seeing the yellow rabbit. I scream even louder then before. "Shhh, it's alright. Don't be afraid." He says. "I just want to..help you. Help you get in the right path that you're supposed to.

I'm your father after all.."