
Stop To Smell The Roses

When I walked in the moonlight shined through the open curtains, slim pillar candles sat atop their silver stands brightening up the room. I should truly just admire how beautiful this place is. My focus has been to get home but, maybe I should savor this experience?

My attention was drawn out after hearing that subtle tap on the entryway.

"Lyra?" He studied me just as if he was star gazing. Seemingly waiting on my return.

"Thank you for walking with me today," I could see his smile through the dark.

"Lyra... No, wait. Are you Lyra? You resemble her yet it's overwhelming how your character, the presence I receive, and how you articulate to people it's as if you arent Lyra... It sounds absolutely absurd bu-"

"Roman, I understood you have been so mindful of me, it almost seems as if you regret being with me today?"

Romans Pov

"Of course not Lyra I enjoy spending time with you, I should be the one thanking you for accompanying me today as I was off duty and had nothing more to do." I had tried to reassure Lyra.

It was the truth though, I enjoy spending time with Lyra, it's refreshing as her siblings have never been as kind as her toward people. The stories spread about her are just evil.

I had stepped to the side as Lyra's faithful tailor, made his way into the room to collect his things and drop them off in his room.

"Would you give me and hand Elden?" I heard through the silence.

"Of course," walking over and grabbing some things only to leave Lyra with a smile after I had replied to Kiro.

Kiro's Pov

After Elden had left I walked back to Lyra's room having forgotten something, only to see her struggling with the corset.

"Let me, my lovely mannequin," Walking over I helped her untie it and then left so she could change into something more suitable for slumber, but not before I gave her one last "Goodnight."

(Chapters after this have yet to be edited, also I apologize for such a short chapter. Thank you for all your support.)