

The following day I was awakened at the crack of dawn, by Kiro who pulled the curtains open and tying them with the slim brilliant rope. The illustrious sun shining into my eyes causing me to swiftly sit up and groan.

A/N I am getting help from a friend to make sure all of the french is correct(hopefully) and after every bit ill translate it.

"Il n'y a pas de temps à perdre, Get up your majesty," Kiro said walking over to me.

I was able to understand what he said despite not knowing french. Before getting the chance to rub the sleep from my eye Kiro had grabbed my arms yanking me out of bed, my raw feet shit the cold floor causing me to shiver at the loss of warmth.

I had missed the familiar feeling of home, my comfortable bed, and social media. My night was filled with restless sleep and the dreams of my friends. This was the day I finally realized, this isn't a nightmare it really is my life, for the meanwhile but I will find my way home.

I was shaken from my thoughts as Kiro had begun to dress me. Oh, how I hated being dressed by someone. He began to style my hair making me miss my regular ponytail. He put me in heels which only reminded me of the comfort of the tennis shoes I had at home.

I hated everything about this place, despite it being beautiful and having the opportunity to be a french princess, I just wanted everything back to normal.

"Lyra, come now you must meet your mother in the throne room." Kiro had once more shaken me back into reality.

Outside the large bedroom stood Ambrose and Roman, these 3 boys were all I had now. They were so familiar to me even though I didn't know them, Lyra must have been close with them though.

The walk to the throne room was filled with the clacking of my heels and the shifting metal of my guard's armor.

The silence broke when the doors had opened and there was a gasp on the other side of the room. It was my mother, or at least I think she is.

The first movement was a swift stand and then out of nowhere, I was pulled into a tight embrace. Of course, once it was over I would be scolded for not coming yesterday but I was prepared.

Once I was released the yelling began.

"Mais à quoi tu pensais, you completely disregarded everything I asked of you knowing there would be consequences. You were told ahead of time that prince Lucas would be in yesterday and you were to come in and meet him." The king stood and began then the Queen took over.

Translation: What were you thinking

"When will you learn, someday I won't be here and you will have to learn to Agis à ton age" She sounded disappointed.

Translation: Act your age.

Once I was given my instructions for the day I was dismissed and my mind had begun to have a fit with questions. 'Why were every few phrases in French? Am I in France? Yesterday everyone spoke perfect English what happened?'

"Lyra?" I heard a quiet voice shake me from my thoughts.

"Yes?" I looked over to who spoke with a smile on my face, not wanting to raise suspicion.

"Well, the garden is this way," Ambrose spoke up making me realize I was going the wrong way.

"Right, of course."

With that last statement, we went straight to the garden to find a familiar face.

"Lyra Darling," My hand was lifted and kissed, it took me by surprise realizing that this was-