Baby steps

Meanwhile Dix was barely at his senses, he couldn't sleep ever since being born, and it was taking quite a toll on him. Kurama's arrival and struggle only barely got registered in his mind, nevertheless he soldiered on, trying to get anything useful out of his situation, if nothing else, at least information.

*God damn, he just got sealed and I can still feel his energy trough all those defense layers? He must be pissed, that's for sure... I would be in his place, knowing his story. Wait... That feeling that's coming from my stomach... Is that... Is that mana?! I have to... I have to remember this feeling... I have a ton of work in front... of me...*

That was when his body finally collapsed and lost consciousness. While he was having a good nights sleep the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen and his troops swooped in to take care of the aftermath of the fight. Sarutobi took control immediately.

"Get me any seal experts you can find to check on that Eight Signed Seal, I'm sure Minato did a good job, but still, he applied it while suffering from an incredible injury. We have to make sure the beast has no way of getting out anytime soon. Please, gather Minato and Kushina's body carefully, so we can hold a proper burial. They deserve it. Also the child has to be entrusted to someone who can raise him properly. That's what the Minato would have wanted, that's how it will be." he said, looking at his closest subordinate.

"Yes, lord Hokage!" came the swift answer and the man was already gone from sight.

Sarutobi looked after the young ninja he gave his orders to and released a troubled sigh. If there is no one capable enough to take up the mantle of Hokage, he would have to do it again. He already got used to being 'just an elder' while the younger generation would take over his heavy responsibilities, but that's not what fate had in store for him. Next he looked corpses of their two heroes at the base of the altar of the seal. He walked closer and looked at the gruesome scene.

"Minato, even though I know your soul will be bound in the belly of the Reaper for eternity... I still wish you the best. You deserve better than this. Kushina, pass on peacefully, I will make sure to take good care of your child. Thank you for what you have done." he said to the corpses, or more like to their souls. He did not know if this helps, but he wanted to do everything for them, so they may find a peace in death. Lastly he looked at the bare child lying soundly asleep on the altar with pity and a hint of fear.

"This cruel world can not leave rest and demanded the life of two great heroes, while turning a newborn into an orphan. How can such disaster happen?" he said, mostly to nobody, but his loyal retainers around him still nodded in silent agreement. He just shook his head, reached down to the child, patted his head a little bit then covered him in the clothes he was lying on. He took him in his arms and turned around. He made a silent vow of properly taking care of the youth, as he walked away with a single silent tear running down his face.

A few hours later in the early morning Dix woke up and had a hard time getting his senses together. He was more of a night owl, and his situation didn't help him too much either. After a good 20-30 minutes of lazing around trying to gather his bearings, he remembered what was the last thing that happened before he flatlined. He wanted to check out the seal, but was mostly unable to move his head, he barely got a glimpse of his stomach, but he could see it had some black signs on it, just as he imagined it would be. He tried to use his hands to feel around his body, but once again, not much happened. He barely managed to flap around a bit before stopping to focus on more important problems.

*Okay, so I managed to reborn and the events are rolling as they should. Actually I don't know much about Naruto's early years, most of his childhood was skipped, so I suppose I'll have to figure stuff out myself...* At this moment he could feel something ticklish at his stomach. He couldn't look at it or couldn't scratch it, at least not too precisely, so it was kinda annoying. *... Oh yes. I have a roommate now. I gotta handle that somehow later. This will be problematic though... If there is someone to monitor me 0-24 then I don't know how I'll press the advantage of my memories of this world... Well, let's leave him be for now, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to come to terms with him in a few years. Wait... I had to remember something about him... huh. Well if I forgot it may not be too important. I'll remember sooner or later...*

After a few more hours of trying to get used to his new body he was already sweating heavily from the extended physical exercise. He wanted to get more control of his body as fast as possible, but a new wave of tickling came from his stomach that stopped him, and this time it came with another sensation. It was like he got sugar injected into his veins. He felt a bit more energetic and could trace the interesting new feeling spreading evenly in his body. His circulatory system had a bit of a problem with moving the overloaded blood in his body, but soon it eased as his immature body got used to it. It was actually harder to move himself under these circumstances, so Dix could only lay around awestruck and feeling giddily happy.

*It's... it's... it's MANA! Hahahaha... Well chakra I mean. Yeah, thats what they use here. God damn all those MMOs and fantasy stories and even this story. There should be a universal energy by now thats consistent in all stories, for goodness's sake!... Okay I'm just being unreasonable here, it's hard to think with a baby's brain. Let's think of something important... Huh... MMOs... Mana... Chakra... Wait! Didn't that shitty god say I get some sort of system?* He started flapping around with his hands again, with a satisfied smug on his face.

*Hahahah he totally said so... okay let's see, this is going to help me a ton. Okay... Status!* He yelled out in his mind. Would have done it aloud if he had any way to speak apart from giggling and crying. He waited, and waited. Then he waited some more. *Oooooookay. Character!* he tried again. *Uh... Information?* Nothing. *How the heck do I use this peace of a crap!?* Nobody answered.

*Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait... No, don't do this to me. Fuck my life, this can't be happening. I hope I just don't know how to use it and I'll find out later.* But deep down he knew that was not the case. He could already envision the self-entitled god looking like some anime-girl knocking on his own head with a high pitched 'Oopsie'. * God. Dammit. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT WHY ARE YOU TOYING WITH ME?!*

After fuming for a good ten minutes more, soon exhaustion caught up to him and he dazed off again.

Inside the seal on Naruto's stomach Kurama was having a hard time understanding what is happening. He was linked to the child's body by that hateful seal, so he was able to perceive most of what happened around him, but could not get access to the host's own thoughts. He was still in a state of rage and some depression, but he was not blinded by emotions enough to not take notice of the unusual behaviour of the young one. Kurama didn't know much about human offsprings, but throughout the uncountable years of his confinement he has seen a lot. And this was new. He didn't know whats different or how things will change, but he decided to keep a watchful eye over this newborn. He knew he was unable to do anything other then accepting the fate of sorrow and hatred that is cast on him by the damned humans. He will have to stay locked up for many years to come, so he felt like it would be great if something fresh happened after all this time. At the last thought he just shook his head and ordered himself to stop dreaming. It's been quite a while since he abandoned hope and wishful thinking. Now there is only hatred left.