Flying Thunder God Technique I.

Some more time flied by, as Dix kept working on his last nature transformation. Also he spent a ton of time with his classmates. They were childish for sure, and this gave Dix a bit of headache. He knew he shouldn't expect anything else and that he is the one in the wrong place, but he still had a mission to finish.

There was an ultimate end goal he had to reach, and he needed these kids for that. So he just put up with it and tried to seek out their friendship. Soon the child awakened in him, so the annoyance he felt, unfortunately very slowly, but steadily faded.

Its already been winter for around a month, when Dix decided that the earth elemental transformation will be good as it is and that he would now start pursuing the next big step in his journey. He would try to get the Flying Thunder God Technique from the forbidden scroll, which is guarded by Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage.

Actually Dix didn't really have a grandiose or genius plan to acquire it. He just believed by directly talking to the Third he would be able to convince him. The Third once, when he was around 4, told him he could request anything from him as long as its properly supported with proper explanation. And that is exactly what he will do. Explain the hell out of him. If that doesn't work he will steal it, just like Naruto did. He already practiced Naruto's sexy-no-jutsu, so he was prepared.

It was heavily snowing when he set out to get his hands on the coolest jutsu available. He headed to the Academy, where the Administrative Division was also located, together with the Hokage's Office. In the afternoon that's the most likely location for the Third to be at. He entered, asked for a hearing, and was immediately granted one. He was instructed to go to the roof. There Hiruzen waited for him alone, looking at the great faces of the previous Hokages in the mountain's side. When Dix stepped closer Hiruzen turned toward him with a small smile.

"Hey there, Naruto, what can I do for you?" he said with a much warmer tone than their environment. The open roof as quite chilly.

"Good day, Uncle Hiruzen. I came because I came to report that I had some great advances in my studies, while also I would like to request something from you." Hearing that the Hokage was quite surprised. Usually he was the one to visit him and ask how he's doing with his training. Also, that was the first time he requested anything, so Hiruzen was looking forward to it with high expectations. He couldn't even imagine it.

"Okay, lets see what you managed to put together. I'll hear your request after that." the Third said, and Dix nodded. He still had some doubts that this is the good way to go with things, but there is no going back. He can only push forward.

He stretched both of his hand and held them in front of his chest, his palms facing each other. He tried to act like he is heavily concentrating. Soon chakra started moving around between his hands, twirling and circling faster and faster. Soon a small ball was formed between Dix's hands, a small sphere of blue chakra so condensed it became visible and was illuminating his hands and immediate surroundings. It was a beautiful and magical sight, like Dix was holding a tiny blue sun in his hands that was as volatile and chaotic as the real one.

Hiruzen was frozen in place, and not because of the cold. His face was distorted to its limits by different emotions. The last time he was this surprised the Nine Tailed Beast destroyed a good chunk of his village, and this one was a solid hit too. He forgot about himself so much he even dropped the tobacco pipe he was holding. He was unable to do or think anything, until suddenly Dix let go of the tiny rasengan, like he was unable to keep it in place anymore. The unstable energy burst out of his clutches in the form of a wind-burst that push Dix back a bit and blew on both of their clothes, making them move so much they looked like they came to life on their ow.

Dix only held a small rasengan for a few seconds but wanted to make it look like he was tired out. He started panting and tried to look disoriented. The small explosion let Hiruzen regain his senses and could focus at Dix's face once again. He saw he was barely standing on his feet, so he moved to help if he were to fall.

"Naruto, my boy! How did you manage to do that?! That was a rasengan, wasn't it? Who taught it to you?" he asked with mad fervor in his voice. He couldn't even fathom how that could happen. The boy is only around 9 years old and is close to being able to use rasengan. It's a miracle!

"Haaah, uhh, Uncle Hiruzen, let me get a breather..." he said giving his best impression of someone that was on his last percentage of energy. The Third just nodded and after a minute or so Dix seemingly got his bearings together. Then he continued.

"Don't misunderstand me, Uncle Hiruzen, I learned this on my own. " hearing this the Third's eyes widened even more, if that's possible. He just mumbled something like 'Thats impossible...', but Dix continued.

"Apparently its not so impossible. When you let me into your personal library I found scrolls about it quite fast, and was absolutely swept by what I read. It seemed like a really good technique to learn, but I wasn't able to use chakra back then whatsoever. So I practiced and trained myself as much as possible, and around 2 years ago I was able to start practicing the first stage. There is a scroll in the library that divides this technique's structure to 3 stages and I spent all this time to separately learn each one of them. But, as you can see, I can barely hold it together for now."

"Remarkable..." That was the only thing Hiruzen was able to say after hearing Dix's explanation, but he wasn't done.

"Other than the rasengan I read many other things too. Also I heard some other things from different sources." he said then looked up at the faces of the Hokages before he continued. "I read the signs and noticed the obvious. By now I know that Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage was my father." he looked back at Hiruzen with a bit of coldness in his eyes, who seemed surprised once again. "I know you didn't tell me that fact because you had my best interest at heart, so I won't resent you for it, seeing how kind you were to me throughout the years. But now I would like to make a request to you. I want to take my inheritance from my late father and learn the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"What... the Flying God Thunder Technique... but that's..." he tried to say flabbergasted and with pale face, but Dix interrupted him.

"Yes, its an S-rank technique, I know. I've done my homework. Also I know its a forbidden technique, which you guard in the forbidden scroll. But I feel like I need this technique to keep my growth from stagnating. You can see how far I made it alone with the rasengan. In a few years I think I will be able to master this technique, and in turn I could defend the village just like you would." he said with conviction burning in his eyes. The Third could see that and mistook it for the burning desire to grow stronger for the good of the village. Hearing this spread warm happiness in his old body. He looked at him contemplating what he should do.

He was quite lenient towards Dix, just because they had a good relationship. He trusted the boy. Also, they were in great need of strong ninjas. He felt like he was getting too old for the battlefield, but also felt an inkling of dread. He lived trough many wars, and knew that soon there will be another one. He felt it in his old cranky bones. They need to prepare for it. Thus, there is no other way. He had to make sure though.

"What about school? If you are so good already that you can use rasengan, you shouldn't attend school anymore and start being a ninja right away. Or learn under a private tutor that can maximize your growth. Wouldn't that be better?" he asked as he was scratching his beard. Dix showed a few seconds of contemplative face, then firmly answered.

"I have to admit school is easy, but I really like attending it, as most of my friends are there and I am having a great time being together with them. I would rather stay and become a genin with them." That was what the Third was expecting, and made his decision easier. For him it seemed like, instead of being power hungry, this youth only wanted to better himself to help his friends. That is already pretty close to the Will of Fire.

"Okay... I'll accept your request. You deserve to have your father's jutsu as his legacy. I believe you will use it for the village's best interest. Come now, I can give it to you right away."

Dix just smiled a bit and followed the Third, while inside he was on the verge of blowing up. He succeeded once again, thanks to all the preparation he made. Probably the rasengan was the one to buy the Third's trust, so he was glad he learned it. He couldn't wait to combine his sharingan with the Flying Thunder God Technique. It will be a huge blast.