The chuunin exam II.

The first test is just some unconventional written test. The questions supposed to be so hard that its impossible for most genins to answer them. This was intentional, as some of the exam staff were hidden between the normal genins, who they were supposed to cheat off from. There were many sentinels placed around the room so they can notice if someone tried to cheat.

The teams were spread around to make it difficult to help each other. The rules were a bit complicated, but that's enough to know that if anyone fails, they fail their whole team, also getting caught cheating only meant losing a few points.

The original Naruto was unable to scout out the answers, or know them by himself, so he had a hard time on this part, but it isn't something that could pose as a problem for Dix. Sakura should be able to answer the questions by her own intelligence. As for Sasuke, Dix made sure before so he has his sharingan, with that he will be able to copy answers from far away simply by copying the movement of someone's pen.

Actually he didn't even have to do anything, as there was a hidden tenth question that is a shitty dilemma Ibiki wanted to torment the kids with, and by correctly answering one would immediately pass the test, so he could even hand in an empty sheet, just like the original Naruto did.

It was the easiest part of the exam, if one knows the future... When the test was over Anko came to see how many passed the first part. She was the organizer for the second part, so she was supposed to give them the whereabouts of the next test. They had to gather next morning at the 'Forest of Death'.

When everyone arrived they were given a lengthy rundown about the rules and potential dangers they will face. It was called the Forest of Death because that was the most dangerous training area of Konoha, full of killer flora and fauna.

The test itself was a huge Battle Royale, or Hunger Games, if thats what you like, but this time killing your opponents was only secondary. Actually they were told to try and not kill each other, but there won't be anyone to stop the bloodshed, so whatever. Actually everyone had to give in their written agreement that they know they will probably die in there.

The main mission will be to get both the 'Earth' and 'Heaven' scrolls and get to the tower in the middle of the area with them. Every team gets one type of scroll and would have to fight other groups to get the matching piece.

In itself this would be a walk in the park for Dix, but there is a tricky thing that will happen in the forest. Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin will attack Team 7 to get his hands on the last of the Uchiha bloodline, Sasuke. Dix is pretty confident he could defeat Orochimaru, but killing him is an entirely different thing. That asshole is as slippery as a snake and has dozens of techniques to prolong or preserve his life. Dix had his Lightning Sealing Chains, but he had no idea how well it would work against a Sannin-level opponent.

This is a bit complicated, because Dix intended to kill Orochimaru, but not this soon. He will be needed at the attack on Konoha, so he will have to hold off until that. The next problem is that he somehow has to evade Orochimaru's attack and let Sasuke deal with him alone, so everything probably... maybe goes according to the story, which is in Dix's best interest for now.

In the end he decided he will cross the bridge when he gets there, so he just kept quiet and waited for the test to start. In half an hour everyone was taken to the point of entry they were supposed to start from. Soon they were given the signal to start, and everyone rushed into the training area.

Team 7 moved out as well. After a few minutes some nearby teams seemed to have found each other already, and their screams of agony were heard throughout the area. Right after that Dix turned back to look Sasuke in the eye and said:

"If we ever get separated, then reunited you have to make absolutely sure that your teammates really are who they say they are. Also, if you get attacked while I'm not around, just try to fight to the best of your abilities and hold on until I find my way back to you." he said. Both Sakura and Sasuke was surprised at the sudden instructions they were given, but both of them nodded, at which Dix turned back and continued the march.

They tracked trough the forest for a few hours when Dix sensed a single enemy waiting in ambush somewhere close. It was an idiot from Amegakure that wanted to gather scrolls alone, while he can't even make a proper transformation jutsu. Dix just sent out a clone and quickly knocked him out. He won't be useful later on whatsoever.

After some more walking they were attacked properly by a huge burst of wind from far away. Everyone dodged to the side, while Dix made sure he would go the opposite direction Sasuke and Sakura did. He had to get away from there, as this time Orochimaru himself attacked, and he would have to stay away for a while. Just to make sure he sent out a clone to monitor the situation from as far as possible while using every trick in the book to stay hidden. He already had FTGT formulas planted on both Sasuke and Sakura so he could help them out if anything happens.

Orochimaru used the wind burst to spread them apart, then infiltrate the team with a transformation jutsu. Because Dix went missing, Orochimaru used the technique to copy his looks and tried to get closer to Sasuke, who his real target was.

The clone was able to see how Sasuke made sure that Sakura is real, while caught the fake Dix red-handed by asking a question only they were supposed to know. Orochimaru couldn't answer, so he revealed his... other alter-ego, one of the genins whose place he took to get into the training area.

Sasuke was almost completely overwhelmed right away, but managed to get out of the sticky situation. He then had to fight with the freaky Orochimaru and his giant snakes. He put up a good fight, but got wounded and soon he was completely unable to fight anymore. Orochimaru got what he came for, he understood the limits of Sasuke and was satisfied. He bit Sasuke's neck like a vampire, but instead of sucking out blood he placed a curse mark on him that was supposed to lure him away from Konoha by offering him power.

Neither Sasuke nor Sakura was knocked out by their enemy, but the curse mark was tormenting Sasuke greatly, so he was unable to continue the fight and soon fell unconscious. Orochimaru left the premises with a disgusting smug face. Sakura tried to tend to Sasuke, but she couldn't do anything, so she just moved her down from the huge trees the fight took place on. At ground level she found a good hiding place and put Sasuke to rest. Soon Dix showed up too, when Sakura was already desperate and at the end of her rope, so when she saw Dix she was angry at first.

"Where have you been?! We trusted you to come and help, as you said before. Sasuke is... I think he is dying... And I can't do anything about it... Just... please help him..." she was begging to Dix with teary eyes.

"Don't worry, even though it seems like he is dying, he will pull trough this. You guys fought Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin. I knew he won't kill Sasuke, so I didn't interfere, because I have no way to fight him right now. You can rest easy, its alright now, I'll take care of the rest." Dix explained with a low voice to Sakura. She couldn't really understand everything, but she really was tired as heck, and she still trusted her teammate so she did as instructed and went to sleep right away.

It was getting late, so no wonder she was tired after a whole day full of ordeals. Dix sat down in the hiding place and started meditating to recharge his chakra. He knew the next threat will only come in the morning, so he had a lot of time to rejuvenate and... think.


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