The last round I.

Dix trained his new power for the rest of the time remaining until the start of the third part of the chuunin exams. In those approximately 20 days he perfectly acclimated himself to using Sage Mode, Kurama Mode and EMS separately or combined. He trained so much with his clones in every kind of combat imaginable. Close-range, mid-range, long-range, using FTGT, in the air, in different environments, like swamps, forests and many more. By the day of the exam came, he was something like a veteran at any kind of combat form.

Right before that day though the R&D team managed to produce a great upgrade out of the dimensional seal research that was recovered from the HQ. Many clones worked on this tirelessly, and it was all worth it in the end.

They managed to upgrade the FTGT's formula in a way that any point in space around the formula in a five meter radius can be an exit point when Dix uses the technique. This means if he puts down a formula somewhere, then space up to 5 meters away in every direction is under his complete control, given if he has a direct connection with it. This means that around a formula he can instantaneously blink to any point in space, or when he travels to a distant formula he can choose any point within the sphere to exit at.

If FTGT was broken before, then there is no words for what it has become with this upgrade. It was certainly useful, so the next day Dix woke up in high spirits and jumped out of bed so he can practice the new upgrade a bit. He also had to run around with a few clones and change out every formula that was placed down before to the new one. Same with the kunais. The matches would start in the afternoon so he had plenty of time left.

At around 2 PM Konoha's arena was already filled, and some of the participants were already present. Dix used FTGT to move to a close point of the arena, as he never been there before, so he had to go lame and simply walk in. In a few minutes everyone was present, except for Sasuke, just like it was supposed to be.

After a few more minutes of waiting Hiruzen stood up from his seating that was at the highest point of the central building. He sat there alone with the 'Kazekage' and their escorts. The Third stood up to welcome everyone to the event and officially start the matches.

Next a new judge that was waiting at ground level with the participants turned towards them and pulled out a piece of paper from his cloth.

"There have been some changes to the tournament, this is the new setup."

The previous judge was actually killed a few days before, same with the hidden sound guy that was supposed to be a participant. The changes happened because of this. Konoha was already aware of the looming danger over them, but the Third was pretty okay with mortal danger hanging above their heads, so he decided to keep the party going.

By default Shikamaru was supposed to fight twice in the tournament, but with this he was given some breathing room, so he will only have to fight Temari. Dix was supposed to fight with Neji in the first round, so everyone else besides them were instructed to leave the premises.

The two fighters walked up to the middle of the arena and took their respective positions, then soon the judge opened the battle. Dix was the first to speak.

"It seems like you have something to say..." This was the same thing as Neji said in the anime to Naruto when they fought. He just cracked a smile and answered.

"You and me, we are the elite of this village. We are different from the failures that surround us everywhere. My Byakugan can see it, that's why I was given this power. This is destiny! But now we will fight to see who is the true elite, to see who can claim to be the strongest of the newer generations. So ready yourself!" Neji kept on speaking with the fervor of a lunatic cultist. He was blinded by the sorrow he felt throughout his life. Dix will wake him up now.

"I don't know what made you so arrogant as to say you can see what destiny has in store for us. I'll let you see soon what I mean. Actually I'll give you some advantage, because you will need it. You can be the one to attack first. I'll do nothing just take your hit." Hearing this Neji's anger clearly surfaced.

"Don't be so arrogant! You don't have the strength to fight me on not-equal grounds!" he shouted.

"I want to see what makes you think you are better than me. Come and show me." Dix said with a low and threatening voice.

The enraged Neji rushed at his opponent and prepared his strongest attack right away. 8 trigrams 64 palms. This technique is a strictly main house-only, and Neji learned it just by seeing it being used by others. At that point many in the audience thought its already over. The Hyuga's close-combat power was terrifying and everyone feared it. An unblocked 64 palm combo is a potentially killer move for even chuunins, and can be seriously troublesome for jonin level ninjas.

Almost everyone felt like the match was over because of the yellow headed kid's arrogance. Only the rookie 9 knew the approximate extent of Dix's power. They stayed silent and were waiting to be amazed once again. Kakashi actually wasn't there, because he was away with Sasuke to train him, while Sakura didn't know about this, so she didn't pay much attention to the battle and was silently worrying by herself.

As soon as he was in hand's reach of Dix, Neji started raining his attacks on him. At first everything was in order, the attacks were going well, but soon he noticed that his opponent had no reaction at all. Its not that he didn't fight back, more like he didn't even flinch at the attacks, its almost like Neji was trying to close the tenketsu points of a rock. At the last set he managed to pull out enough strength to push him back a bit, but it didn't happen because Dix staggered back, but more like he slid back around a meter while staying completely still.

The audience could only see that the combo was finished successfully and unobstructed, and they saw that at the end the yellow-headed was pushed away, so they started either cheering Neji or badmouthing Dix. But soon everyone turned silent.

"I believe you are done."

"That's... That's impossible!" Neji shouted, doubting his eyes completely. Next to that a collective gasp was heard from all over the viewing platforms. Neji checked out every single tenketsu point he hit with his attack, but all of them were completely unfazed and kept on working like nothing happened.

"Its my turn now."

Dix didn't start moving at all. Instead he released his chakra and mixed some of Kurama's into it. Soon the air became heavy with the overflowing chakra, and because of Kurama's extreme killing intent, that was usually suppressed, even the strongest warriors would've wanted to run away in fear. That was only the excess intent that wasn't focused.

This was similar to other world's innate pressure strong people can exert, for example the Spirit Pressure in Bleach.

Dix used most of this suppressive force and channeled it on Neji, who immediately staggered back, hunched over and fell on the ground, bleeding from his mouth. The judge was fairly close so he fell on one knee too and was looking at Dix like he saw a ghost. Well actually he saw something way worse.

When he saw Neji fall on the ground Dix waited out a bit, then walked over to him. He crouched down and leaned down to his ears.

"You are not an elite. Your eyes can't see destiny, or the truth. You are just a young boy thinking he knows everything. Stop thinking the future is unchangeable. It won't get you anywhere. If you don't believe me, ask the main house's head what really happened to your father. He will tell you himself sooner or later though." Finished with his speech Dix exerted a bit more killing intent, which knocked Neji out. Right after that he sealed his chakra away, releasing everyone from the pressure weighing on them. Next he simply pocketed his hands and walked back to where he was before the duel started, then waited for the judge to get his shit together.

The judge was completely flabbergasted and his face reflected nothing but utter surprise and fear. Soon he noticed Dix looking at him, at which he jumped a bit, but he quickly fixed his attitude and went to check on the other kid. Fortunately he was still breathing, but he was out cold for sure. Thus he announced the winner.

Only Dix moved in the whole area, nobody twitched even the tiniest of their muscle. Not a word was heard. Suddenly it seemed like Konoha turned into a ghost-town.


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Cheers! :D