Konoha invasion II.

Dix teleported back to the kunai he left on the rubble in the middle of the ruins, collected it, then started focusing on his senses. He felt that his clones were after the escaping Orochimaru. His chakra was low and his vitals were close to death, still he kept on clinging to his life. Dix teleported next to the closest clone, then rushed towards his enemy. He could see a small white snake slithering away trough the rubble.

He threw a kunai close to him, teleported to it, then activated his EMS. It seemed like time slowed down. He was able to clearly see Orochimaru as he tried to escape, the next second he locked on him with his right eye and the golden lightning shot out of it right away. At first it missed the target, as the little snake was moving trough a lot of junk, but the second time Dix manage to catch it in a more open area. Due to his failing strength, Orochimaru was quickly overwhelmed by the lightning's suppressive power and was pulled back to Dix's right eye, and sealed away. When he was caught he started screaming.

"How can a snotty kid take me down like this?! This can't be, I am immortal, I can't end like this! I will return!...-" he shouted one last time when he disappeared in the eye.

"Seems like we can check that off of our list too. Lets see whats left... Ah I know." he mumbled to himself, then teleported away.

He arrived just in time to see a huge hydra's last head getting cleanly cut down by a huge rasenshuriken. Those were quite good against flash. A rasengan charged with lightning for example would have great penetrating power, while infusing it with earth could take out large and heavy targets. This jutsu is actually quite useful and versatile.

His clones were running around the hydra mass murdering enemy units. The konoha ninjas could sit back and relax, as the clones had everything under control. The enemy couldn't take a single step inside the village.

Dix checked out this battlefield, then moved on to his next stop, right after summoning a few more clones as backup.

He appeared right behind Sasuke, who almost shit himself at Dix's sudden appearance. Sasuke was given the mission to follow and take down Gaara back in the arena, so he was fairly close to them. Dix didn't explain much, just told him he can teleport, quickly transported him back to the village with FTGT, then moved after Gaara who was a few hundred meters in front of them. In a few seconds he caught up to them.

Kankuro wanted to keep him occupied while the other two, Gaara and Temari keep running away. Dix just threw out two kunais, one towards Kankuro and one towards the fleeing pair. As the second one was traveling the first one has already reached its destination, at which Dix teleported there, knocked out Kankuro with a single strike, then teleported to the kunai going after Gaara, which by that time caught up to them.

Next he knocked out Temari, then moved to neutralize Gaara. He tried to use only some of his force, so Gaara isn't knocked out completely but loses his ability to fight. It was quite hard to take down someone without making them lose consciousness. In the anime Naruto had to fight a lengthy and destructive battle against Gaara, who used his tailed beast.

The problem with the One Tailed Beast is that when his host is asleep he had the ability to possess them. This is quite problematic, as if Dix were to knock Gaara out, that would awaken the stronger enemy. What a shitty seal they made over at Hidden Sand.

Even though he knew this, in the end he somehow managed to knock Gaara out right away. He kinda overestimated the strength of the combined defensive power of the Sand Shield, Sand Armor and Gaara's passive resilience. It seems like he was weak as a paper as never in his life he was hurt before, so his skin was more smooth then strong.

"Damn... You weak piece of shit." Dix said, then prepared to fight Shukaku. Gaara dropped on the ground quickly, but it took a few seconds for Shukaku to get his ass out on the field. Soon sand started stacking on Gaara's body, and turned into something resembling animal tissue, also somehow the sand managed to form purple lines that looked like veins. It really looked like a Lovecraftian horror.

Shukaku was quite big, even though he was only partially unleashed, he still was as high as 50 meters, towering far above the trees in the forest they were in. He also had one mighty tail. It was probably as big as his whole body. Dix had no idea what kind of forces were at play there to keep it above the ground, but whatever. He just had to beat Shukaku until he goes back to his hidey-hole himself.

Dix switched to Kurama Mode and activated both Sage Mode and EMS, then summoned the full Kurama form over his body, one as high as Shukaku was. His fighting prowess was quite a bit higher then Gaara's but he was supposed to let him live. If he is alive, he will guarantee a time and place for the Akatsuki to show up. As Dix was thinking, an inhuman screech was heard.

"AAAAAH! I'm finally able to emerge! It's been such a long time! Ahahah, hey, you there! I want to kill you, so get your ass here!" Shukaku practically screamed with his annoying high-pitched voice.

"Ehh, shut up and go back to sleep..." said Dix simply, then moved in to attack with his Kurama-projection.

*Ehh, I should've practiced Susanoo, that way I could get rid of beast like this way faster. Actually combining Kurama form and Susanoo could be really fun. Naruto did it in the original with Sasuke, I should try it too.* Dix though out 'loud'.

*Hehehe, yeah that would be really great to see, probably something no one has ever done before. I would even endure the nauseating feeling of the sharingan's power overlapping with my chakra. You really should learn how to do it.* answered Kurama. Dix almost forgot about this, because he was usually quiet, but the fact remained that now they were almost directly connected in his body. Because of this if he were to openly think about things, Kurama could most likely feel it and react. There were ways to conceal his thoughts, but it was getting harder and harder as their consciousnesses were getting closer to each other.

Dix was floating in the head of the humanoid looking Kurama projection. This mass of chakra that looked like an orange half-transparent fox with nine tails and many black lines throughout its body could stand on two legs and even run like that. It was resembling a human way more then Kurama normally does.

So Dix stood up on two legs and started punching Shukaku. He tried to resist, but his overweight body could hardly move itself. He was an extremely huge pile of sand, so instead of fast movements, he was like a sitting tank that had a few jutsus up its sleeve to attack. He had a few nasty sand-attacks for close-combat, and could practically spam long-range wind bombs that pack a huge punch.

Dix jumped close to him, because the sand is usually usable to suffocate or overwhelm and crush the opponents, which he could easily counter. The wind bombs were highly destructive though, so the choice was obvious. When he got into arm's reach he started throwing out punches right away. It was alright, but wasn't very effective, so next Dix summoned a huge rasengan, as big as the Kurama form's hand was, then infused it with fire element, so the rasengan turned into a huge tornado of flames.

The napalm was thrown right into Shukaku's stomach, as Dix knew the host would always be in the head of a half-released tailed beast. Shukaku was unable to dodge or defend against the attack, so he just had to endure as he used his tail to hit the Kurama form from behind. As the fire tornado reached the sand it started melting right away. The huge rasengan was able to clear the way of molten sand so the fire tornado was getting inserted deeper and deeper into Shukaku's stomach. When Dix was about to get stuck in place he quickly jumped back and let the fire tornado stay there and slowly dissipate.

All the while Shukaku was getting annoyed. He couldn't feel the pain, so he wasn't sure exactly how bad the situation was, but from outside Dix could see that half of his enemy's body was already melting. Soon, as the temperature dropped, it started hardening, turning into mostly clear glass, as the sand fused when it was melted, and Shukaku's body was very clear of impurities.

As his body started hardening, Shukaku lost control of it. He started screaming and cursing his enemy, but that one simply moved in with a rasengan infused with earth element. It seemed like a small galaxy was formed in his hand. Uncountable smaller-bigger pieces of rock were orbiting a huge spherical vortex of small pebbles.

Dix jumped closer to his enemy and shoved the earth rasengan into its lower body, which easily destroyed any hardened part. This meant Shukaku lost most of his body below his head. His tail was disconnected that was used before to deploy flurries of attacks on Dix.

Because most of his body was destroyed, Shukaku was barely able to do anything. He also lost most of his chakra, but didn't want to surrender yet. He started regenerating, but Dix didn't wait patiently for him to stand back up. He summoned two gigantic rasenshurikens into his hands, then started grinding away at the two sides of his enemy, preventing him from effectively regenerating, while also peeling more and more sand off of him.

"DAMN IT! I was only able to come out for a bit! I don't want to go back! AHHHHH!" Shukaku screamed, but in a few seconds all the remaining sand was grinded away and he lost all of his power to fight. He was forced back into the seal. As soon as that happened, all the sand that was still there crumbled, and soon Gaara's unconscious body also turned up, slowly sliding down at the top of the sand pile.

Dix caught him, then got him to ground level where he quickly put him down. He crouched down next to him, then quickly started the procedure by putting his hand above Gaara's heart. He was heavily concentrating while many ink-lines started appearing around Gaara's body. Soon the lines started moving inwards, then quickly collapsed into his heart. Dix set up an alarm that notified him when he gets knocked out the next time. He was fairly sure when this happens he will find Sasori and Deidara there, the two akatsuki agents who will be sent out to take down and retrieve the Jinchuuriki of the One Tailed Beast.


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Cheers! :D