Take this, Akatsuki!

While Dix was having a talk with Hiruzen and Jiraiya, one of the clones patrolling the village noticed something strange. Two hooded people approached the village gate, with the signature red clouds on black uniform of the Akatsuki. They were Kisame and Itachi.

*FUCK I forgot! These idiots tried to find Naruto right in the middle of Konoha once! Damn it... What am I supposed to do?! If I remember correctly Kakashi handles them, but is left heavily injured by the Tsukoyomi. God damn, maybe I should fight them right away? Man...*

*If he is in danger you should help out the white haired kid. He seems to be a good man, it would be a waste to toss him to the dogs of Akatsuki.* Kurama answered. The swearing hurt his ears a bit, but he understood its part of Dix's personality, so he just accepted it.

*Maybe you are right. I could fight them by all means. But then its useless for me to go and find Tsunade... But I already promised... Ehh. Whatever, lets help out Kakashi.* Dix concluded and moved out as soon as he finished his talk with Hiruzen and Jiraiya.

The clone kept giving periodic updates about his targets' movement and location. Dix had to come up with a few plans on how to deal with his enemies. To be honest Itachi was only strong because of his MS, something which Dix can easily counter, simply by having a higher grade sharingan. Yeah he knew a few tricks with kunais and shurikens and has a really good battle sense, but none of that will help him against overwhelming power.

The problematic one is Kisame. He is the infamous Tailed Beast without a Tail, the Monster of the Hidden Mist. He got this nickname after his monstrous amount of chakra, it is said he has so much of it its comparable to a Tailed Beast.

*Pff, that little cub is nothing. You humans really like to exaggerate your powers. I've seen so many people claiming to be the strongest, disregarding anything they have no knowledge about. Frogs at the bottom of a well. One of the reasons I hate humanity.* Kurama reacted to Dix's thoughts with a snort.

*Obviously not just anyone can match you in power, or just raw strength. I believe I am the only one. Madara is currently dead so he doesn't count.* Dix answered simply. He could feel Kurama had a good laugh by himself, but didn't comment on it. With Kurama going silent again, Dix focused back on whipping up a plan.

He will have to ambush them when they least expect it. He was also quite sure they will sit around in one of the inns leisurely when Kakashi notices them. Dix will have to take action before that happens. Both Itachi and Kisame will understand they were detected and would be vigilant till they leave the village premises. If he were to be able to get close to them without notice he could teleport away with them somewhere safe where they can rampage as much as they want.

Because of this the original teleported to HQ entrance, then moved quite a few kilometers into the mountains. He checked around to look for a good clearing, and he did find one, a terrace-like platform on the side of a mountain. It was so high it was almost snowing up there. As he found the perfect place to have a match, he summoned a clone then made it go to the one scouting Itachi and Kisame. He will have to try and retrieve them. At the same second he put down an FTGT formula for the clone to exit at.

The clone itself teleported to where he was supposed to go, collected a bit of natural energy then used sage mode to rush at his targets at max speed. Itachi used his sharingan to react, but that wasn't quite enough either as his guard wasn't that high up, considering he was sitting at a tea house. He was vigilant because he was in enemy territory, but he was also undercover and had many civilians around him. He was quite sure Konoha ninjas wouldn't start fighting with so many innocent lives at stake. Also he was quite confident in his reaction time, something the clone could use against him. Without sage mode he would've failed, but natural energy gave just that tiny edge he needed to ambush them.

Itachi twisted his body to stab the clone in the belly with a kunai, but it barely scraped the surface as the clone managed to put both his hands on either one of his targets, simultaneously marking and teleporting them. At one second they were at a warm and cozy tea house, the next breath they took was of the mountain's chilly air. Both of them were heavily distressed, even though none of that was visible on Itachi's face. He acted like a professional serial killer that practices zen meditation in his free time, which was mostly true. Kisame on the other hand had a hard time coping with the rapid events.

"Itachi.... What... the hell is going on?! Is this a genjutsu?" he asked outraged, with hints of confusion and fear in his voice. Itachi already locked eyes with Dix, then answered.

"No, I believe this is space-time jutsu. We were teleported somewhere far away. Seeing that kid over there, he must be responsible for this." he answered with a blank, almost mechanical tone.

"Haha, you always know the right answer, don't you? Ah man, I always wanted to meet you guys, especially you, Itachi, I'm kind of a fan! Unfortunately the circumstances won't let us have a nice chat next to a good glass of tea. You represent the Akatsuki, while I am your target, the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tails. But let me just say one thing. I must admit, Itachi, killing your whole family at the order of your superiors in the village, that's some messed up thing, and I admire your loyalty. You are the exact definition of what a ninja should be."

Dix gave them his long monologue, and tried to scan Itachi's face when he revealed his knowledge of the truth, but not a single muscle of his twitched. He was like a sculpture, his face barely resembled anything that could be called 'youthful'. He was quite young, but he looked like an old man standing there, with all the weight of the world pressing on his shoulders. He barely moved, he was as ready for combat as ever and answered with a tone like he can't be surprised anymore.

"I never thought the leadership of Konoha would talk about these things to some kid. I thought they can at least keep secrets, but it seems like I was wrong. But you are right, I am loyal, and I have a mission to finish. You have to come with us." he answered, then closed his eyes for a second, then opened them up with the Sharingan now gone, replaced by the famous Mangekyo Sharingan. "You may be a Jinchuuriki, but you shouldn't underestimate the power of the Uchiha blood." Hearing this Dix cracked a smile, that kept widening, until he was grinning with a full-face smile and smug face.

"Haaaa, I think I should advise you the same." he answered, then without closing his eyes like Itachi, he activated his EMS that visibly unfolded from his ocean-blue eyes. Itachi had to prepare before unleashing his powers, while Dix already had complete control and mastery over it. It was just a giddy feeling for him. That was the first time Itachi's face finally moved. Many things could've been read from his expressions, as he was too surprised to control his emotions. First Dix saw confusion, then understanding, next doubt, then simply fear.

"I think you know what this is, or what its power is. Maybe we could manage that talk in the end." Dix said, with a still smug and grinning face.

"Oh my fucking god, Itachi, what is this shit? He has a similar eye to you, but its way fancier and is... blue?! What the hell? Someone tell me what is going on..." Kisame couldn't stay silent anymore. He could see Itachi's face too and was abashed at what he had seen. He only ever knew Itachi as the perfect ninja, he can't be surprised and always knows of everything, like he had future sight or something.

"Well, to say it simply, I have way better eyes than Itachi does, which is kind of a miracle, if you consider he killed his whole clan before. Its interesting, isn't it? If you can't figure it out, I'll tell you, this is the highest level of Sharingan, the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. The only thing stronger then this could be a Rinnegan, if properly utilized." Dix explained to Kisame. He was a bit dense, but he was a natural fighter. Kinda like the original Naruto, only a bit more bloodthirsty and less stupid. Next Dix focused back on Itachi who now became the one to have a hard time coping with the events.

"This should be... impossible. You are not an Uchiha! There has never been anyone to possess an EMS since Madara Uchiha! I'll make sure you aren't just a fake trying to scare us. Tsukoyomi!" Itachi replied, obviously riled up, then right away he activated his MS.


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