The Fifth

"He... He killed him...?!" Tsunade cried out. Suddenly the whole restaurant turned silent, not even the usual noise of eating or whispering could be heard from around them. Everyone turned to look at the beautiful woman freaking out in the middle of the room. But Tsunade couldn't care less what others think of her. She just kept staring at Dix with pale face and weak knees. "How is that possible?!"

"Technically I didn't kill him. This roach is especially hard to kill, so I opted to seal him away instead. If you want to make sure, I can take out his body that's barely holding onto its life." Hearing this everyone, even Jiraiya looked at him surprised. He only knew Orochimaru was taken care of, but the method was unknown to him.

"Are you sure its the real one? This wouldn't be the first time he plays a trick on us..." he said. Hearing this Tsunade looked at Jiraiya to see he sincerely had no clue whats going on either. This made it quite obvious the kid is acting on his own without any leash. That might be dangerous even for them, so she will have to keep her guard up.

"Yes, I have ways to make absolutely sure he is the real one. Lets not talk about this anymore. Hearing all this so far, Lady Tsunade, would you be willing to govern Konoha? If you decline, either one of us would have to do it, and both options are potentially disastrous." Dix said this time. He actually had no idea how to properly pressure Tsunade into taking the role, so he was only taking blind shots. Tsunade once again lowered her gaze at the table, seemingly deep in thought. After around a minute of thinking she looked back at the two men.

"I see. Jiraiya you should know I would never want to become the Hokage..." Tsunade said, looking at his old friend with slight anger. "But I think I should take it. I owe at least this much to Konoha, the village where I grew up. I shouldn't let you two hooligans ruin it. Okay... I accept." she said with a big sigh. She closed here eyes to think more as she proceeded to finish her dinner. An even bigger sigh left Jiraiya as he heard the good news.

"Thank god. If you were to refuse then I'd have to do it, and that would be a huge problem for everyone. Thank you Tsunade, this is really great. You will be a great Hokage."

"Enough. You know flattery won't get you anywhere with me. You can sleep in the inn for today. We'll head back to Konoha tomorrow." came the dismissive answer.

"That won't be necessary, Lady Tsunade. I can take us home as soon as you finish eating." Dix interrupted. The chopstick stopped in Tsunade's hands as she opened her eyes to look at him doubtfully. Jiraiya just let out a small sigh and started explaining.

"Ugh... Yes, he can use Minato's fabled jutsu, the Flying Thunder God Technique. We can get home in a matter of seconds... Its just a bit nauseating... uh..." he said, slightly trembling as he remembered the extreme discomfort he feels when he is pulled trough space. Maybe its because of the spatial void.

"He can use... what?! Is that true?!" she cried out once again. Once again the 'kid' shattered her estimates of the human limits. Only 12 and he was able to learn this kind of jutsu, its incredible.

Dix grabbed the chance to impress the ladies: he picked up an apple from the table, then threw it up into the air. As it started falling back down right before hitting the table the apple vanished, then appeared near the ceiling as it kept falling. It kept accelerating but right before making impact it was teleported back to the ceiling without losing its speed or momentum. Soon the apple reached terminal velocity, when Dix reversed the cycle, changed the trajectory a bit and the next time when the apple appeared it was near the table flying upwards. Before reaching the ceiling it was teleported back to the table, where Dix was waiting for it with a hand held out, and caught the apple.

It looked like a cheap parlor trick, but everyone present understood the mechanics working in the background. It was genuine space-time ninjutsu, not to mention Dix is able to teleport it without actually touching it. This was simply frightening for both Tsunade and Jiraiya. Shizune, while she was an exceptional medical ninja, barely understood what happened, so she was simply amazed.

"This... this is incredible. Oh my god." Tsunade mumbled, with a frightened voice and look. She always thought about the good of the people first, that's why she was a good hokage candidate. And right now these thoughts were revolving around Dix's potential danger factor to Konoha. She wasn't exactly sure how loyal he is. It was impossible to get a grasp on what he was actually thinking. Right now she had nothing she could do. Tsunade decided to wait it out and see what the kid is up to.

The two women quickly finished eating, paid for the food then the party moved out of the inn. Dix instructed them to move to a nearby alley where his technique is mostly hidden. Its obviously better if normal people don't start freaking out that some men and women vanishes without a trace from the streets.

In a few minutes they reached the alley, and as soon as they stepped in Dix released a few strands of chakra and attached them to everyone around him, then activated FTGT to move back to Konoha. The next second they were already in front of the Academy, where the Hokage Office was also located. The guards quickly woke up and jumped to meet whoever appeared there out of the blue.

"Don't worry guys, its us. Who else could get into Konoha so easily?" Dix said to calm the ninjas rushing towards them. Hearing this they stopped to look trough the 'passengers'. They quickly noticed both Tsunade and Jiraiya, and as everyone knew about them, they quickly gave their apologies and moved out of the way.

"Heh, you see, Naruto? Power is not everything, you have to build up trust and reputation with the village. It can open a lot of doors for you." Jiraiya said laughingly, then gestured the others to go inside. The sky started to darken already, it was close to evening, but the Third still should've been in his office.

"Its been quite a while since I last visited this place..." Tsunade said looking around with a hint of marvel in her voice. "Incredible how much the village didn't change throughout the years..."

"You can take a look around later, lets meet Uncle Hiruzen first." Dix said then moved after Jiraiya who already took a few steps towards the entrance. A second later Tsunade and Shizune also followed after them.

When the party showed up in front of the Hokage's door they were quickly let in. Inside Hiruzen waited for them behind his desk, greeted them then stood up and walked over.

"Hello there, Tsunade. Haven't seen each other in a while, right? Glad to see you are in good health, even though this is almost a given considering your skill and specialization. I welcome you here, now in your own office, haha. As promised I give down the role of Hokage to you. Best wishes to you, I believe you will be a great successor." he said as he took down his headgear that is given to the Hokage as a symbol of their status.

"Thank you, Hiruzen sensei. I will try to do my best. But why do you sound dejected? Did something happen?" Tsunade asked, she was a bit suspicious.

"Ahhh, don't mention it, I just have to process that I'm getting old. I should've got a replacement long ago, but it seems its a bit hard for me to let go of the mantle, sorry. But don't mind me, my time has come, I step aside to give way for the younger generation." Hiruzen said, sounding a bit more cheerful, trying to conceal his dissatisfaction that he was almost forcibly removed from office. Obviously he knew why this happened, but he was still a bit salty about these turn of events.

"I see... You should have your rest, Hiruzen sensei. I will take care of our family in your place. Leave it to me." Tsunade said, holding up her hand in a fist, while sounding very enthusiastic and self-confident.

"I should start right away. We have a lot of work to do."


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