WebNovelMadam Lu10.00%

Get Me The Girl

A loud thud was heard from inside the closed doors. The bodyguards exchanged a glance and before they could say anything, the door was opened from the inside. The man stepped outside, looking refreshed. The bodyguards started to sweat profusely and panic, something was off... their master possessed this aura only...

Lu Ye Ze, unfolded his sleeves and put on his windbreaker, while looking at them nonchalantly, then he turned and left the club. He entered his black Maybach and drove away.

Back, inside the suite, the pianist was still playing the instrument trembling violently, but he didn't dare to stop, or miss even one note... he feared for his life, what if the devil came back.

Through the slightly opened door, the woman's frail body was laying motionless on the floor. When the bodyguards saw her, they all fell silent. Indeed, Satan would look so refreshed, only after sending another female soul, into his harem underground.

They now understood what Bear meant. One of them signalled the pianist to stop and disappear... they've made a huge mess indeed.

Why haven't they trusted Bear's words. If it was any other woman, making her disappear, was a piece of cake, but this had to be the most famous and publicised woman in China. They were in deep trouble.

On the quiet highway, the black Maybach was driving smoothly. The man was sitting on the back seat, with a serene expression on his face, he seemed a lot better. The driver received instructions to head back to the office, Lu Ye Ze wanted to finish reading the documents, that he was looking at the previous day.

In the office building, the man entered the elevator and pressed a button, he was heading to the top floor, where his office was located. Before the elevator doors closed, a black silhouette squeezed in through the gap. Lu Ye Ze glanced at the man silently.

"Master! I am here to report" said Dong Zai.

"Speak!" Commanded Lu Ye Ze.

"Slaughter was spotted in England. We believe he was assigned a mission and he is following his target"

Slaughter was one of the most unfathomable assassins in China. Not many knew about him and his targets didn't even know how they have lost their lives. His killing technique was very unique, not even the doctors that were conducting the victims autopsies couldn't determine the correct cause of death. This brought extreme fame to Slaughter, as many wanted to hire him. Unfortunately he was very hard to contact.

In London, in the back seat of a cab, Jo pulled her phone from her purse to check for any missed calls. There were none... A message notification was shown on whatsapp, her heart skipped a beat...The excitement disappear as fast as it arrived. It was her Mum's text, inquiring about her well being. Jo quickly sent a short reply and then closed her eyes, resting her chin into her hand.

Tonight a little progress was made with her goal of snatching the Astoria Park project, she had high hopes that it would be handed to her now. Another thought though was bouncing in her mind, back and forth... he hadn't texted her, nor did he called. It has been a week now and her abstinence was running short. Her fingers had a very strong urge of texting him first again.

She broke up with him a month ago, he was her first love and she loved him sincerely, with all her being. Jo didn't want to break up, but she felt she wasn't being appreciated, so she wanted to give him a lesson. Well... that backfired... he was rather well and content, he was posting a lot on social media, a thing that he didn't used to do before. They have been together for four years and there was no picture, or mention of her, on his social accounts. She felt gutted, she was desperate to get him back, but he seemed not to love her anymore.

Tomorrow was the weekend, but Jo didn't have any plans, probably she would be watching Netflix in her bed from morning till late at night.

The weekend wasn't far from what she expected and it passed in a flash, she had to be on site that morning, to verify if there is something she should be aware of, before the install. On Saturday evening, she broke the promise she made to herself and texted him first again, but this time he didn't even reply, so her mood was terrible.

She was so mad at herself, that she wanted to pull all her hair from her head. She consoled herself, thinking that he would regret it one day and then she would turn her head away and break his heart, the same way her heart was being broken now.

It was raining heavily this morning and the DLR platform at South Quay didn't have any shelter. She was freezing cold and her tiny umbrella was constantly being blown away by the wind. Being rush hour, the trains would be fully packed, she was anxious of not being able to board the train and had to wait for the next one, in this horrible weather.

The train approached the station and the commuters were slowly pushing in, being first at the door, Jo managed to squeeze in the train car. After four attempts of closing the doors the driver finally succeed, but the train still hadn't left the platform. Two minutes later the doors opened again. Jo was beyond mad at this point. A few other people on the platform were pushing in, trying to board the train, when an announcement was being made "Fellow passengers, unfortunately there is a casualty on the tracks at Canary Warf and this train is being held on the platform until further notice, please consider using other routes for your journey this morning".

Bam, the sky fell and Jo was having the worst day already, it had to be Monday. She exited the train and was thinking of another way to head to site. Taking the bus was complete suicide at this hour and cabs were quite expensive and very few in the area, but she had no choice than to order an Uber. At least she was going on site this morning and being a bit late didn't really matter, as nobody was checking up on her.

An hour and a half later, she arrived on site. She put on her protection equipment and checked in with the site manager. The construction was an exclusive, high end, bloc of flats, called the Dumont and it had a prime location, just across the Parliament building on the South Bank. The client was the large conglomerate Berkeley Group the leader in the housing industry in the UK.

After checking that everything was in order, Jo headed back to the office. By the time she got back, it was already lunch time and most of her co-workers were out to eat.

Jo put her coat and umbrella away and sat down at her desk. She opened her computer and started reading her emails, while Millie brought her a cup of tea and told her that Mr. Chapman wanted to see her, as soon as she returned.

Jo nodded and took a sip of her tea. It was hot and it went down well, after a whole morning outside in this weather. Millie was fondling some files on her desk, looking hesitant.

"What is it?" Jo asked without looking up.

"Did you really do it?" Millie asked.

"... Do what?"

Before Millie could reply a shout was heard outside the office.

"Get me the girl!"

Ben, Mr. Chapman's assistant entered the office without knocking and asked Jo to go to the finance director's office, right this instant. Jo looked up, she had enough to deal with this morning and she wasn't in the mood. She put her cup down and said calmly.

"Tell him, I am busy. If he want's to see me, he needs to make an appointment first, with our darling Millie over here!". Jo waved her hand at Millie. The later was dumbstruck. What?! since when Jo gives this attitude to the director of finance.

In Mr. Chapman's office, Ben had his head down while his superior was shouting furiously.

"Who does she thinks she is!!! The CEO of the company?! How dares she disrespect a director... She is a mere designer, selecting curtains and flower vases all day!! Does my job look so lightly in front of her!"

Ben resembled a surdo-mute. Why did he had to take in all this shouting, he couldn't comprehend.

"Call Chris in a meeting. I want to give her a piece of my mind. I'll show her what is the true power of a director!" Mr. Chapman finally calmed down and typed a few words in an email.

The next day, in the staff meeting room, Jo, Millie, Chris, Mr. Chapman, Ben and Mrs. Hale, the director of HR, were all present.

"Ben! show Mr. Newman the file!" Instructed Mr. Chapman. Ben put a file in front of Chris, that was full of highlighter lines and little notes.

"We have investigated this purchase and we can't find the proof in any of Miss's Muller projects. Therefore we have concluded that she has used the company's account for personal means and we propose to terminate her contract with immediate effect!". Said Mrs Hale with no trace of emotion