WebNovelMadam Lu27.27%


This time, she understood what this man said, he spoke to her in English. For some reason, fear crept all over her body, this man exuded a very dark aura.

"How was your lunch? Did you enjoy the Chinese cuisine?" Lu Ye Han asked the girl. Jo didn't reply.

"I see... I will drop the curtesy then, as I can tell my dear brother has been talking to you about me, but I know you are a smart woman. He captured your body, don't let him capture your mind as well. In his hands you'll never be able to escape. If you want to go back home I can help you, what do you say?"

Jo was wary of this man, but not because of Lu Ye Ze, he actually had never even mentioned him. She found out from Butler Gu, about their relationship as step brothers and her fear of him was from her own deduction.

"And what's in it for you? Why would you help me"

"I am not helping you, I am helping him. He is my younger brother and it is my duty to help him and guide him on the right path. Also if the news comes out that he kept someone hostage, our family's reputation will be stained forever"

Jo looked pensive, what this man said was all true and seemed plausible. She didn't have any evidence that this man had bad intentions towards her, where as for Lu Ye Ze, she was the living evidence herself.

"What? You don't want to return home to your family and friends?"

Just as she was about to give her reply, Butler Gu came after her, she was gone for a while and he thought that something had happened.

"Mr. Lu!" Butler Gu greeted Lu Ye Han with a nod then turned to Jo, "Miss Ri-El, are you ready?"

"In a moment" Jo entered the women's toilet, leaving the two men starring at each other. Lu Ye Han gave the Butler a faint smile, then he turned and left.

In the meantime Lu Ye Ze had just finished a meeting, when he switched on his phone, two messages came one after another. One was from Butler Gu, informing him about their detour and the other from Dong Zai. These two messages had on word in common, BanDao MingZhu restaurant. In the next second, Lu Ye Ze was in his car driving personally towards that restaurant.

Jo and Butler Gu, just came out of the restaurant and headed towards their car, when suddenly in front of them, a sports car had pressed on the brakes abruptly. Lu Ye Ze exited the car and approached Jo.

"Have you finished here?"

Jo looked at the man who seemed calmed, but small perspiration droplets, could be seen on his face. Jo started to become a bit anxious.

"Yes, we were just heading home"

"Get in!" Lu Ye Ze commanded the girl, while opening the passenger door for her. Jo's anxiety was rapidly building up.

Half an hour later the car came to a halt in front of a grand hotel. Lu Ye Ze got off the car and then helped Jo off as well. The valet took his car keys and left with the car. On the opposite alley a black SUV was parked there for a while. A girl in her early 20's was sitting behind the steering wheel. She was there with a purpose, but the arrival of these two took her by surprise. She got off the car and headed towards them. Lu Ye Ze took Jo inside, they entered the elevator and pushed the button for the 7th floor. Jo's hands started to sweat profusely. Why did he brought her to a hotel? If he wanted to do something to her, why not do it at home. Jo was almost trembling in fear, although this man didn't particularly harmed her, she was very fearful of him, his aura and his manner was too domineering.

The elevator stopped on their floor and the doors opened with a ping, the hotel was very luxurious, it had damask velvet wallpaper and marble floors. On every wall there was exquisite artwork and a console table with fresh flowers on it. At the end of the corridor two bodyguards were guarding a double door, as soon as Lu Ye Ze approached them, they made way, while opening the doors for him.

When Jo stepped inside, the luxury overwhelmed her, she had seen this kind of opulence, only at the Buckingham Palace. The presidential suite consisted of a large sitting room a dining room, two en-suite double bedrooms and a private terrace with an infinity pool overlooking the city skyline.

Lu Ye Ze was on the phone, so she walked to the balcony an stood there admiring the buzzing city, she wanted to absorb this moment of freedom and engrave it deep in her memory, as it might be the last of this kind. It was a nice change of scenery and she wanted to remember this moment. The cold air of November gave her chills down her spine, but she liked the smell of it. Although the circumstances weren't very fortunate, she loved this time of year, it felt so festive and alive. Christmas was her favourite holiday and she wondered how the Asians celebrated this event.

While she was deep in her thoughts, Lu Ye Ze followed her on the balcony and put his coat around her.

"It's cold out here, be careful otherwise you might get a cold"

Jo looked at him with her deep black eyes, there was a different light in them and it absorbed him right in, for some reason he felt that she was so far away from him, although she was standing right there in front of him, but it felt like she was untouchable. Something that he will never get. Fear enveloped his heart, since she appeared into his life, he couldn't imagine his world without her, he grew dependant of her presence, her scent, her voice. He wanted to hug her, but she felt so distant and cold.

Jo looked at the man who seemed conflicted and eased her gaze on him, replacing it with a faint smile. He seemed to have relaxed a bit, as a result.

"There is a dress for you on the bed, go and change please, I need you to accompany me somewhere".

"Oh... Where?"

"You'll find out later".

Jo went to the bedroom. On the bed, there was a long emerald silk gown and a pair of nude shoes. A case with a expensive jewellery set was next to it as well. The dress was beautiful, elegant and in her size. Jo changed into the outfit and styled her hair. In the meantime Lu Ye Ze had changed into a formal suit as well and was waiting for her in the sitting room. He was resting in an armchair opposite the bedroom doors, with a glass of whisky in one hand and a cigar in the other. He looked so dashing, he could make any woman's heart explode at a single glance. He easily could pass as the most desirable man alive and Jo had the opportunity to admire him every day, the amount of jealousy she must've carried from all those women could be fatal.

Jo was done changing and she opened the double doors of the bedroom, both at the same time, Her head was slightly down, her wavy hair was loose clipped only on one side, behind her ear, by a diamond hair clip. The emerald dress complimented her silhouette and skin tone to perfection, it exuded an atypical richness. Her elegance and aura created a strong and unforgettable presence, she stood there in the doorway, while slowly lifting her head up, her trembling eyelashes opened and started looking for him. When their eyes met, the time stopped.