WebNovelMadam Lu29.09%

A Normal Date With Her Boyfriend

"It was amazing! I loved it, thank you for tonight" Jo was truly happy this evening, so happy that she almost forgot her dire state. This evening it felt like she was on a normal date with her boyfriend and she felt really good. Jo leaned back in her chair and Lu Ye Ze put his arm around her, planting another kiss on her forehead. Jo didn't reject him this time, she smiled and wished this fantasy to continue for a little bit more.

The four of them had dinner after the event and then parted ways. The evening ended beautiful.

In the back seat of the car, Jo had fallen asleep. It had been a busy day for her today, her stomach was full and in the car, the heating was turned on, so she gave in to her tiredness. Lu Ye Ze pulled her in his arms, for her to sleep more comfortably. When they reached at the mansion, he carried her upstairs in her bedroom and laid the sleeping girl on the bed, he would let her to continue her slumber, but not before taking his reward.

The next day Jo woke up fully recharged. She had fallen asleep in the car and woke up on her bed. This things happened only in movies and if she wouldn't had been held a hostage here, she would've thought, that she lived in a fairy tale with a very handsome prince.

Jo got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. After she splashed her face with the cold water, she was now fully awake. When she lifted her head and looked into the mirror, she got instantly worried. Jo noticed that those bruises have multiplied and some were quite intense this time. Jo started to think that her health might have deteriorated when she got locked up in that dark place, had she caught some nasty disease from that place? She was oblivious to the whole situation. How couldn't it cross her mind, that a certain someone had tampered with her body.

Jo went to the closet and selected a high neck flowery dress, with long sleeves to cover all those bruises.

When she got down for breakfast Lu Ye Ze had gone to the office already, so she asked the Butler to serve her breakfast in the conservatory, she now grew fond of this place on sunny days and spent a lot of time in that room.

Butler Gu informed the kitchen about Madam's wishes and proceeded in giving her some files, with other renowned fashion stylist in the country. She had advised him over lunch yesterday, that she wanted to select someone personally.

Jo looked through the files, while having breakfast. She really missed a phone in this sort of circumstances, the information that Butler Gu gathered for her, didn't have enough photos. In the end Jo selected two stylist, she asked Butler Gu to contact them and she would have a one on one meeting first.

In the entrance foyer, a conversation was going on and she heard some unfamiliar voices. Jo got up from the table and headed towards the noise. Soon she was faced by two women. One seemed to be in her late forties, while the other was very young. Jo looked towards Butler Gu, who had a very grave face.

"Madam you are here, this is Madam Lin Yan... Mr. Lu's mother and..." Butler Gu realised that, he couldn't address Lu Ye Ze, as his Master in front of others, as now his Master was Jo and before he could continue the introductions, he was cut off by the young one.

"Who are you?"