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"Brother Tian wh..." Wei Wei's words were swallowed by the man's fierce kiss.

Earlier in the ball room Pei Lightian was at the bar socialising with some guests, when the waiter had served them another round of champagne. He removed one glass from the tray and took a sip. It had a different taste than the one he had before. After a few seconds he started feeling thirsty and took another sip. The other men were conversing amiable, but he started feeling uncomfortable. Fine beads of perspiration were forming on his forehead and his thirst increased. He soon finished the champagne glass. Something was off, he started feeling hot. He looked at the glass and thought to him self, had his drink been spiked.

Pei Lightian excused him self and left the group. He headed to the bar and asked for a glass of cold water. He gulped it down. Nothing, his discomfort was also increasing. He had rented a room for tonight in the hotel, but he assumed that whoever had laid this trap for him, was waiting upstairs.

The man bought a few more bottles of water and left through the reception, he took his car keys and went to cool down in his car. He didn't expect that Wei Wei would find him at this unfortunate time.

The girl was shocked, his eyes were cloudy and his strength was hurting her.

Pei Lightian was kissing her fiercely biting her skin until blood lingered on his tongue. Years of accumulated desire, was unleashed at this very second in the dark night.

He loved her deeply, but she was too young and their relationship was impossible. He couldn't betray his best friend and touch his sister, but tonight it wasn't him. It was the beast hidden in the depths of his soul, it had resurfaced and went on a destruction rampage.

Wei Wei had longed dreamed for this night, but it wasn't at all how she'd imagined it. It was terrifying, but she didn't dare make a sound more. She bit her bottom lip and endured the pain. She put her hands around his neck and caressed his hair. The man was fierce, and his senses were all awaken at the same time. In a moment of lucidness he looked the girl in her eyes. Tears were falling down her face, but she was quiet... she was playing with his hair. His heart shattered in a million pieces, the beast was taking over his consciousness again. Pei Lightian pulled out his manhood and inserted it inside the girl. He did it slowly though. It didn't matter how powerful his desire was, he couldn't hurt his first love this way. Although the damaged he had already created, was unforgivable.

Wei Wei clenched her fists and curled her toes, she got closer to him and whispered into his ear.

"... I love you..." She then moved along with his movements and the man seemed to have calmed down and slowly recover his consciousness.

After half an hour he stopped. He tied his belt back and got off of her. He was too ashamed, he couldn't look her in the eyes. The silence in the car was deafening.

Wei Wei's face was all flushed, she was trying to cover with her trembling hands, the blood stains between her legs, but her short princess dress was torn to pieces. Pei Lightian noticed her effort and put his jacket around her. He lifted her in his arms and shifted her on the passenger seat. He started the car and left the parking lot. He continued driving through the silent night aimlessly.