WebNovelMadam Lu69.09%

Hand in Hand

"Doctor! The patient's heart rate is dropping drastically!" Announced the nurse.

The doctor who was performing the surgery, wiped his sweat over his forehead and glanced at the heart monitor.

"Suction" He commanded. "Eva! suture the wound. Dr. Erik, prepare the defibrillator at 600w!" Dr. Björk continued.

"Doctor the heart rate has reached a critical point! Announced the nurse again!"

"The defibrillator is set!" Informed Dr. Erik.

The heart rate monitor started making a continuous beeping sound, the patient has entered in cardiac arrest.

"Charge!" Commanded Dr. Björk, while holding the defibrillator pads in his hands.

"Clear!" He ordered then pressed the defibrillator pads on the man's chest. An electric shock was sent into the man's body.

"There's no reaction!" Informed the nurse. The heart rate monitor continued to make the still beeping sound.

"Charge to 900w! Clear!" Another electric shock went through the man's heart.

"Doctor the brain waves dropped below twenty!" The nurse looked at the screen, then at the man laying on the bed. It didn't matter if his heart would start beating again, he was brain dead now.

"Charge!" The doctor ordered again. After fifteen minutes of continuous rescue work the doctor stopped. He pulled his face mask from over his mouth and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"We've tried our best!" Said another doctor while patting Dr Björk over the shoulder.

"Death time 10:06am, 7th of December".

Wei Wei started hallucinating. The loss of blood paired with her weak malnourished body, started shutting down faster than normal.

The girl started drifting between reality and dream, when suddenly a voice called her.

"Wei Wei, what have you done!"

The girl's vision was blurry, a black shadow approached her from the side. The horse started being even more agitated, throwing his front legs high in the air.

Wei Wei, rubbed her eyes to see clearly, she looked up at the presence casted above her. The moonlight illuminated his face from the side.

"Brother Tian!" The girl called with a trembling voice. "I am scarred!" She continued.

"Sweet Pea! Don't be afraid, I am here!" Said the man pulling her in his embrace. Wei Wei's eyes started watering when she heard her nickname. He hasn't called her like that in a very long time.

Far in the distance, a faint twinkling light could be seen between the branches of the dormant trees.

"Brother Tian, there is a light there in the distance!" Said the girl. The man looked at her with a pair of kind eyes and asked. "Can you walk?"

The girl sensed how her body was going numb. She didn't felt the pain anymore.

"Brother Tian, it doesn't hurt anymore!"

"Good!" Said the man, taking her hand to pull her up from the cold ground.

Wei Wei got up leaded by the man's hand, she felt so light like a feather. She had never felt this good and full of energy.

The pair started walking towards the light hand in hand.

The sky was getting dark and Hostler Fu was very worried. Young Miss Wei Wei hasn't returned. The old man saddled a horse and went to check up on her.

He followed the still visible tracks of Winnie deep into the forest, for a good amount of time. In the distance he could hear a horse neighing repeatedly. At the sound of it the man rushed his horse pace towards the direction where the sound was coming from.

He could faintly see a shadow in the moonlight. It was a horse kicking up in the air with his front legs. The man galloped fast towards it. That horse was Winnie. When he approached the horse he looked behind him and saw the girl on the floor leaning on a tree.

"Miss Wei Wei!" He called, but the girl didn't answer.

He got off his horse and took his flashlight from his bag. He approached the unmoving girl and called again.

"Wei Wei!" Her eyes were open looking empty, her body was cold and the ground beneath her was flooded in blood.

When the man saw this scene he instantly got shocked and fell to the ground.