WebNovelMadam Lu75.45%


The man was surprised by the girl's words, he looked at her full of adoration. His girl had just acknowledge him in front of her bosses. Not only Lu Ye Ze, the other three men were shocked as well. Chris and Nathaniel looked at Jo intrigued, while Mr. Barrowman was once again pleasantly surprised by this young girl's capability.

The evening went smoothly, after a short conversation between the four of them. Jo was left only in the company of Lu Ye Ze, the other three men retreated graciously allowing them some intimacy.

Lu Ye Ze was looking at her with longing in his eyes, how he missed her, he missed her dearly.

Jo had a million questions to ask, but she just couldn't open her mouth to speak, she was enveloped in his deep dark eyes, who seemed to be dancing on the rays of light, gazing back at her.

"Are you hungry?" The man suddenly broke the reverie that they were both immersed in, while taking a strand of her black silky hair and tucking it behind her ear.

His warm, familiar touch, sent shivers down her spine. Jo smiled gently at him and replied.

"I am ok, I had dinner already!"

"Mn" Replied the man with a grunt, while smiling back at her.

From afar Robert was watching the duo intently. Someone else was attacking his prey. He swiftly excused himself from the group he was entertaining and headed towards their direction.

Jo was about to ask her husband the same thing, when a male voice interrupted her.

"Miss Jo! There you are, I was looking for you!" Said the man with a wide smile on his face.

Jo looked at the man who suddenly approached and replied with a smile.

"Is that so!"

Lu Ye Ze furrowed his brows at the man who just interrupted his conversation with his wife. His killing intent broke loose and was almost lashing at the other man's throat. The tall lean man exuded such an intense chilling aura that the guests around him started shivering.

Robert felt the other man's threat and he almost quivered, but he quickly regained his senses and looked at the girl. He replied back with even a wider smile and inched closer to her, making the next phrase he uttered, almost inaudible to the other man.

"Yes! Miss Jo, don't you find this party a tad boring?"

Jo looked at Lu Ye Ze and then replied.

"Mn, I was actually thinking, it is time for me to retreat!" Said the girl politely.

"When you are ready, I can send you home!" Intervened Lu Ye Ze, while taking a sip of his champagne glass. The pressure he was applying on the thin crystal flute almost made it shatter to smithereens.

Robert sent a smug smile at the man and stretched his arm to grab Jo's waist, while whispering into her ear.

"Miss Jo, I was wondering if I would have the pleasure of you accompanying me, to my friend's party?"

Jo was surprised by the man's bluntness, she suddenly started blushing, while swiftly shifting to one side, making Robert's hand grab the air instead of her waist. Her movement made her land in Lu Ye Ze's embrace. She was positioned with the back at him, while the man gently put her hand on her shoulder.

She was so close to him, that her scent immediately invaded his nostrils, making him drunk in adoration and eagerness of holding her tightly in his embrace.

Jo felt how the man behind her suddenly relaxed and eased his aura. His warm hand stopped her from shivering, making her smile return on her lips.

"Sorry!" She replied to Robert, "I have other plans for the rest of this evening!" Jo continued, while taking Lu Ye Ze's hand from her shoulder and turning around to stand in front of him.

"I am ready!"