WebNovelMadam Lu92.73%

Pure Blood

The man exhaled deeply and whispered to the asleep girl.

"My love, I am sorry, it's all my fault..." His eyes had welled up with tears instantly, drop after drop traveling down his face. His hands were trembling, while his weak heart, was of the size of a pea.

He Mufeng was behind the wheel, traveling towards an unknown address. He was concentrated on the road ahead, when another text message arrived.

"Take the exit at the next junction, towards A12 motorway"

He Mufeng looked at the text and followed the instructions. Half an hour later, he arrived at his destination. In the outskirts of Beijing, in the south east, a little village was located, just off the busy motorway. Its street were tranquil and the winter wind was howling through the roof pitches of the little houses. There was a lot of greenery as well, but it had all dried out in the freezing temperatures. Summers here, must be marvellous though.

He Mufeng drove his car through the village at twenty miles per hour, while waiting for the next text message. Shortly after, his phone chimed.

"Stop!" The text was displayed on the screen. He Mufeng pulled the car over and looked left. A light was flickering, in the window of the second floor, of a dated small house. He Mufeng looked up and got off the car. He looked at his phone and it had already been blocked. He slid it in his pocket and let out a deep breath.

A moment later an unknown man, wearing a grey traditional hanfu, approached him and gave him a small box. He Mufeng picked it up and then left in his car.

In the Lu family, the death of the youngest son, created a tremendous storm. A notice for an emergency hearing was issued with the scope of assessing, the unfounded crime of the Patriarch. Taking the life of a pure blood, was an absolute crime, that even the Patriarch himself could not be exempt.

The pained Lu Shaoting was a very revengeful man and the blood spilled by his youngest son, demanded another life in exchange. The life that he had failed to take from this Earth, before his departure.

His funeral and that of his family, was held the very next day, by a few family members. Lu Shaoting had been quiet throughout the whole event, his eyes were casted down and his hands clasped together behind his back. Back in his quarters he was sitting on the settee by the window, while his oldest son, Lu Hongxiang was in a kneeling position, before him.

"Father! This... I have no excuses for this. I shall accept your command!" Said the son to his father.

The old man stole a glance at his son and said. "Indeed! You shall act as per my command!"

Another day had passed and there was no sign of Jo waking up from her deep slumber. Her husband had just finished washing her body and now was dressing her up. He didn't allow anyone to touch her and he hadn't left her side since. He was afraid that if he stepped outside, she would leave him forever.

Later that morning his parents paid him a visit.

"Ah-Ze! Look at you... my son, my dear son, Mom cannot bear to lose you too!" Cried Lin Yan.

"Mother, I am well!"

"How can you say that! Look at you... you haven't shaved and when was the last time you showered? When Ri-El wakes up, this is what you want her to see?" The mother pleaded for her son to take some rest and take care of himself.

"Son! Why don't you go with your mother home to freshen up and I will stay to watch Ri-El!" Suggested his father.

"That's right! Your father will be here! Now come, Mom will take you home!"

Lu Ye Ze looked at his parents, then at the asleep girl, he let out a deep sigh and agreed to have a shower at least.