Welcome Home.............[Daliah].

Hello Daliah here, this is my side of the story...

My father seemed to be injured or worse... all I could see was his unconscious body laying in my mother's arms. With all this kind of pressure and stress on his Head...not even immortality can save you.

Gallu turned back and grabbed bother of them. He burnt through the roof, before flying us out of there.It was too dangerous to go back home... Father always told me about were he grew up an other continent far away from Africa he called it Australia.

We had to fly through a giant brown cloud to get there. As Gallu rushed through it became quite impossible for us to fly...an fortunately my father and I got separated from Gallu and my mother. We ended up in some kind of desert... the good part was that my father's body didn't have a scratch, but he still wasn't getting up, I noticed on his right shoulder was a large bite wound and it looked like a large snake bite. The only solution was to cut off the bitten area, but that seemed kind of impossible. I was puzzled...he was an immortal human being, the venom shouldn't be working.

With my survival knowledge, I began to suck out the venom, before chopping off his arm. After wounding it with a shirt like a bandage...as messy as it sounds, it wasn't...there was hardly any blood. Know I was stuck in the desert with a one armed man, as I tried to figure out what to do next four men approached as, dressed desert attires.

"Well this is a dark situation in pretty, bad and awkward place...a one armed man and a village girl"," You would be wise to keep moving..."," Ohhh it steaks...look were not looking for trouble", the man said, before I lost it and pulled out a knife from the back of my brah, he blocked it with his rifle...I swept him off his feet with my leg, before grabbing his gun and aiming it at his face. His Conrad's aimed at me, then the guy I dropped said " Were not here to fight"," well that seems believable, doesn't it?","look let us help him, he wont survive out here and neither will you.... there's no one for miles","his okay and will do fine on our own"," Look I know I can't change your mind, but I can get you out of the desert we've got a plain".As horrible as he sounded he couldn't be lying, he looked like he was just a teenager who was trying to help.

"Fine he needs a hospital, he was bite by a snake, it's looks like it's spreading it's managed to knock him out"," Don't worry will save him there a hospital not far from here", he said before there carried his body to a red and white rescue plain.

They strapped him to a stretcher bed, before trying to inject a needle into his arm, " Wait!, don't inject him","Why shouldn't we ","just don't","if we don't he'll die " said the guy, I couldn't let to them know my father was Immortal, so I let them inject him.

We flew to a town a hospital and they rushed him out of the plane and into the hallway. One of the doctors looked like she recognized him, she then told them to take him into room at the end of the room. They told me to wait outside the room...dressed in my African battle attire every one was looking at me as though am some kind of crazy person.

The doctor then came to me and said "he's okay we've managed to neutralize the venom and great thinking cutting his arm off... but am curious what's your name and his"," my name is Daliah and he's name is Hak...","Hakkoz!, all my God his alive"," how did you know his name? "," I...I... knew him from a long time ago, he just vanished. Don't worry he'll be up soon I just hope he can remember me", the doctor said as she walked out of the room.

Something about this place didn't feel write, I felt a chill rush down my spine. The suspense forced me to leave the aid of my father and investigate the building, the hallway that was filled with people sudddenly became as empty as the dead sea. The Dead silence gave me enough reason to pull out my knife, I slowly walked down the hallway with my grip on the knife getting titer as the suspense grow larger.

Then I herd a low bassy echo coming from the first right tern. I creeped to the edge and then peeped over to see a giant two legged lizard with red scales all over it's body and two horns one on each side of its head. It's was a dinosaur...it was feeding on blood sachets and it's eyes were a sharp red.

Then I backed up slowly before accidentally bumping into a metallic dish, it landed with a bang. The dinosaur then roared as it rushed out the tern and locked it's eyes on to me. It was know a nine foot lizard after after me and this time I couldn't control it, I ran down the hallway as it chased after me champing at me only a few centimeters away. There was a large red cylinder on the wall with a 🔥 symbol on it, I figured there was fire on the inside, so I grabbed it and toused it into the dinosaur mouth, before it crashed it causing an white cloud explosion that made it too foggy to see anything.

I made my way to my father's room and he wasn't on his bed any more, in fact he wasn't in the room. The dinosaur crushed through the wall, rammed into me and forced me through the window into a tree. The broken glass fragments scraped parts of my skin off, don't worry about me landing in a tree back home that's quite normal.

I watched from a distance as the beast roared from the window. The doctor then drove and parked underneath, I got out of the tree to an angry looking doctor. " Your just like your father, wild and untamed not forgetting always looking for trouble... come on let's go I'll take you to my place", the doctor said to me. Father was still out cold in the back seat, she drove us to a really pretty house...she wasn't strong enough to carry him, so I put him on my shoulder and she guided me to a room up stears. The room looked like it belonged to a child, " who's room is this?","It belonged to my son..who decided that he'd rather have his own family than sticking to the one who raised him... his totally forgotten about me","Wow dark... have you ever going to visit him or something"," a mother knows when her children don't need her any more..."," wow you must have loved him a lot"," more than he realized...but I never lose hope I know one day he'll come back home","Sorry forgive me for not asking sooner, but I did catch your name?"," Ohh forgive me, my name's are Linda Jakill, let me get you into something a little more comfortable", Dr Linda said.

Though extremely suspicious that she managed to get father out of the room before the dinosaur crushed through and for the fact that she had a tendency of loosing people...I was not supposed to get to attached to her, besides father always told me to never trust another Soul.

Dr Linda took me to her room and gave me a bunch of clothes. I took a bath and as always my hair was a mess... apparently Dr Linda saw that was struggling with trying to keep my hair in order, she came in with a strange looking device"what is that thing","what you've never seen a hair dryer before...look stay still an don't move","wait is it blowing out fire😅...","no just hot air you'll be fine....you have your grandmother's hair 😢","... wait why would you say something like... unless you knew who my grandmother was....😡....start talking!","Fine...I did know your grandparents.....matter of fact I am one of them","who are you to my father?"," Hakkoz was only a boy, he didn't know what to do...he sat in the ashes of his home alone side the bones of his parents that were burnt to a crisp.

They say the fire that killed them was from the West, they believe that his father was cursed...by the jungle and the flame was meant to kill him and his entire village, but they failed because Hakkoz was consumed by the flames...."," That's because he can't die, his immortal... his tribe.... our tribe has kept the a secret that has protected the people of Africa. The most worthy blood line is the only one that can acquire said immortality and much more... apparently my father is the last in the blood line there won't be another one his the last immortal human being. You would be surprised if you didn't already know that...wow so you knew about his abilities, but you never told him,why?","He wouldn't have believed me so I had to let him go", Linda said as she whipped the tears that ran down her checks.

After all that under the bridge, it was hard not to trust her. She then prepared supper and as we dag in she reviled more about how father's presence changed the land around him," as he arrived there was a storm in the distance...so I told him to put on something worm. As the it began the wind shook the trees and termed the house, at first I thought it was a normal storm with quite an intense wind. Little did I know that Hakkoz was controlling the storm by singing a song his father taught him"," Jess's meda hit!...he told me when he was younger he could sing the the hall thing for hours 😂"."Well thought mind blowing it was dangerous...so I had to make him forget everything. Africa had quite the PowerPoints, but I had Australia!...I hired experts to help get ride of the song and they were successful 😊", Linda said.

"I need to meet those people they might have a way to awaken father...this might just be my only chance","If you what to do all of that do it in the morning, plus it's not every day I get to meet my grand daughter...I don't even know a thing about you, all I do know is that you keep trying to please someone who's impossible to please... what did my boy do to you?","father's never been proud of me ever since Mom Left....","Ahhh I see your in a perfect emotional meltdown rainbow, of your family, look everyone what's something, but your all different people trying to solve individual problems, by throwing them at each other... the only way is to solve one problem at a time together...."," Pethaihah, her name is Pethaihah...my mother, you remind me of her she was the wisest person in my child hood, I miss her alot she left when I was five without warning", I said as I took a bit out of the stack.

The next morning father was still down and Grandma Linda gave me a special weapon "This belonged to your grandfather.... Hakkoz came with it when he arrived...I know you must think am a monster for me doing what I did, but I didn't want this type of life I wasn't cut out for this Wich is why I moved here and I just wanted to have a normal family","Grandma Linda I forgive you you've helped me plus...you only wanted a family and I see that. Our Mission is to awaken father and your doing an awesome job", I said as I go a giant dagger made from rock that was covered in moss the handle was made from gold and wood it was perfect.

She told me to search for two guys by the names of Jack and Jerome. Her information led me to a zoo, so I knew it was going to be Crazy. The man guarding the entrance was we'll... asleep and had a real dirty beard that looked like it had water droplets, I woke him up and he jumped up yelling "JACK!, the beast is coming!... Jack, Jack.. your not Jack....ohhh sorry mind my manners... welcome to the most amazing place in the world.... The Outback Ranch Zoo".

For a second, I thought the man was just crazy before he said...." please come your in for a real treat.... yesterday they shipped in an animal that is good to change the world status...trust me you've never seen what we have in store for you". I thought twice before asking " What's your name sir..."," ohhh my name is Jerome and that is Jack and we run the Zoo","No offense, but you don't look like... well😕... much",I said to them.

They guided me to an arena and at the center was a giant metal box....both Jack and Jerome walked around it bragging on how they captured the beast, until they mate the center. They pushed a button on a remote causing the top to spring open and Gallu tried to fly out of it, but couldn't because he was changed to the heavy box.

The crowd backed away as he roared out fire...at that very second I knew that my Gallu was in serious pain. Father always told me foreigners always fear what they've never seen before. So I did they most sensible thing I could think of " ALL MY GODS IT'S A MONSTER!!!", I yelled and this attracted Gallu's attention...he was happy to see me, then with all his might he pulled the chain until it snapped and as you guessed this instantly sent running for there lives. Both Jack and Jerome though weren't so impressed Jack got his phone and called someone while Jerome confronted me as Gallu rubbed his head on to my back. " Am sorry miss, but who are you again?","I'm the owner of this amazing lizard...and I need your help"." How interesting is that, you must be the girl Lord Petha spoke so highly of...the funny thing is that we were supposed to use the dragon to lower you here, but you just saved us a lot of work thanks a lot "," first my mother wouldn't let met me just die and she would most definitely would never sell Gallu...", I said as I pulled out the big knife.

Gallu suddenly grew tense, and hissed at Jerome. A boy dressed in a brown dusty cowboy suit with desert goggles and a bandana on his face.. walked passed him and said," my dear Daliah...you have no idea who I am or what I'm doing here right....Well your mother isn't as good of a goddess as you think, hmmm now that I think of it your entire family's messed up... let me not leave you in suspense am Richard Jackie and ohhh one more important thing....Ally!", he said before whistling and the dinosaur from the hospital crashed through the wall of the zoo.

Gallu roared at the beast and two stood there ground. Ally charged after Gallu and vice versa, causing the two crash into each other and tumble weed through the Zoo, while trying to bite each other's limbs off. Richard pulled out two revolvers and shot at me...I dodged the bullets me rolling to the left and something just told me to stub the ground with the blade. It's caused a large green energy wave that slowed everything down, Richard was know shooting really slowly. I ran to him knocked the guns out of his palms kicking his chest and he slowly fell, I didn't know how long it would last so I grabbed both Jack and Jerome, before rushing to Gallu, but before we could get to him the effect wore off. The two Titan sized reptiles resumed and it did so at the moment when Gallu was all charged up... and well he let it reap, the flames then rushed out of his mouth before burning both Jack and Jerome alive.

That very moment I felt my heart break 💔 as I saw there bodies drop to the ground. I dropped to my feet and began to wound how those two idiots could have woken up an immortal man, I looked at there ashes and well they weren't dead just naked. This twisted my mind for a sec until it made perfect scene, there were also immortal human beings 😅.

Gallu took to the sky before waking the Ally's head with his tail and then spraying clouds of flames. This forced the Dino backwards...I chocked both naked men and toused them into the air, Gallu grabbed them " Ohhh Daliah!...your really strong for a girl", he said before he pulled out...a three foot plasma Canon and he shot at me...(he had no respect for women), apparently the heavy blade acted as the perfect shield as it impacted the blast.

The shock wave forced both of us backwards...Gallu scooped me up in mid air and we flew up, up and away.

We go to the house and the two began to complain...." okay my father is paralyzed and he needs your help... his an immortal human being like you guys, so your the only ones who can help","why would you come to us then...were not doctors", they ignorantly answered me. Great anti Linda was in my father's room holding his palm, when the two nude me crushed through the roof " ok,ok,ok will help you...just please don't do that again.

The two placed there hands onto his forehead, before locking fingers. Within a few seconds there eyes glowed with a green flash and a shockwave repealed them onto the wall. I then asked " What happened?"," Apparently he doesn't want to wake up... it's like he wants to remain in there", Jerome said. This didn't make any scene, why would my Dad want to stay in there.... could he want to leave his family behind," guys take me in I'll talk to him".

They then held my arms and tried it again, I felt my soul leave my body. Then I got up in a beautiful garden.... it's lash green plants and shimmering water was outstanding. My goal was to find Father I searched the hall garden until I saw a man sited on a swing relaxing with not a worry in sight. " Father... it's Daliah","Hmmm, Daliah my little girl isn't this place great...in all my years of being alive I feel alive. That immortal life....I never wanted to be immortal, being able to live forever like a god....I wouldn't have agreed to it if I was given a choice"," father you've always told me it's awesome being able to laugh in the face death...you inspired me to be who I am today"," Well am sorry, but there's no point in returning.... your all grown up, you can start your own family and travel off to all seven corners of the earth. Everyone is okay, the world doesn't need Hakkoz","DAD!... How about saving Mom, the mission... she's the love of your life, that's why we're here in the first place. Please don't give up....","EVERYONE IS TELLING ME THE SAME THING!.... Pethaihah doesn't love, she never did, we were just part of her guilt....her choice to be human...gods don't fall in love with MID VELDERS.....she made that one clear, she crushed me and nothing can fix me","Mother is a pretty, good, happy and kind being sent from the gods.....you told me that before, after and even during your stories and she would smile and blush like a little girl", I sobbed as tears ran down my face "Father please come back to your family....I need you, Mom needs you...we all need you", the sidekick link then broke and I was pulled out of his mind.

All that could be done was done and that very moment I felt the bitter defeat. My family was never to be reunited....all so I thought. As I rushed to the corner of the room to cry Great anti Linda tried to help but it wasn't worth it, I was shattered.