In part 5: Rahija begins to talk about the story of her mom and how she had him right before her execution and kept him a secret and he was left with his dad (Lord Jahlil) in the underworld. Circe asks him why did he come to her ball uninvited. "Now Circe you shouldn't talk to family like that, Eve was your cousin" Rahija tells Circe. "I don't mean to butt into you guys family drama but why do you have Mrs. Lola hostage" Kir'ray asks Rahija. Rahija starts laughing and tell Kir'ray "so we finally meet Cambion" Zye asks Kir'ray do she know him amd Kir'ray tells her no they never met before. Rahija tells Kir'ray that he has been wanting to meet her for the longest but now he has important business to tend too so it will have to be another time. Rahija then snaps his fingers and a black portal appears all over the ballroom and these gray homunculus demons came out of them, putting everybody in the ballroom in distress. Rahija grabs Lola and walks into the portal behind him. Zye starts screaming for her mother and runs towards her but one of the homunculus demons jumped in front and started attacking. Zye sent electric currents towards the demon, which really didn't do anything but slow the demon down and Rahija had already left and closed the portal behind him. Zye got really anger and put both of her palms out sending a powerful electric ball (a move she learned from watching her brother fight with Kir'ray) towards the monster and exploded on contact leaving a huge hole in the ground.