
Balance - Part 3

Ingrid creates a portal right before Kir'ray tries to attack Zye, sending her crashing into some boulders. After the staff stop spinning it returned back to Ingrid. "Are you ok?" Ingrid says to Zye. Zye tell Ingrid that she's ok. Kir'ray gets up from her collision with bruises and scratches on her arm. "Nice save" kir'ray said to Ingrid. Zye tell Ingrid that Kir'ray would have peirced through her energy field if she didn't jump In. Kir'ray walks over to Ingrid and Zye with a big grin on her face. "Oh I wasn't expecting that from you Ingrid" kir'ray tells Ingrid that she didn't know what she was capable of "Kir'ray then engulfs her left arm in flames forming a flame dragon on her arm and charges towards Ingrid but passes right through her. Kir'ray then turns around and continuously tries to hit Ingrid but all her punches would fade through. Zye charges from behind to try to hit Kir'ray but Kir'ray dodges and kicks Zye's hand and punches her in the stomach. Zye looks at Kir'ray spitting out the mouth. Zye then put her palm out creating an electric orb and sends it towards her but Kir'ray grabs it with her dragon fist and laughs.