
Balance - Part 5

Uriel jumps in front of Ingrid and Zye'kira and does a spinning kick to send pressured air to cut through the blast. "Wassup girls" Uriel says to them. "I see you guys started training without me." "Uriel!" Zye'kira shouts out "What are you doing here" Uriel start telling Zye'kira that her brother was his best friend, so he wants to aid in bringing him back "Your just the last person I'll expect to see in the world of the living" kir'ray then yells at Uriel, "Hey who told you to interrupt on our training." Uriel replies back saying "My bad I figured I would join in to help out" Kir'ray tells Uriel that they were doing fine without him "I was just watching you guys from afar and thought I'll give you guys some pointers." Uriel tells Kir'ray "sorry for being an burden but he wants to be involved in bringing Zekel back just as much as them.